SSP Brand Offers Retailers Supply Confidence

SCOTLAND - Shoppers are being urged to look for the Specially Selected Pork label as a guarantee of provenance and welfare standards this winter.
calendar icon 15 December 2008
clock icon 3 minute read

QMS chief executive ‘Uel Morton joined one of our pork brand ambassadors this week to meet customers and offer information on the guarantees of origin, welfare and farming standards offered by products carrying the Specially Selected Pork brand.

Christmas is one of the critical trading periods for fresh pork, in the four weeks to 30 December 2007, a total of 728 tonnes of fresh pork was retailed in Scotland, worth about £3.4million.

Following the recall of Irish pork earlier this week, QMS put extra brand ambassadors into Scottish supermarkets to assure customers about the guarantees offered by products carrying the Specially Selected Pork brand.

‘Uel Morton, Chief Executive for QMS said: “At this critical period of trading for pork, using the Specially Selected brand gives all retailers the opportunity to highlight the quality and provenance of the products they are selling and gives their customers the benefit of farm to shop traceability.

“Clear labelling of their products at both the retail and processing stage enables supermarkets and butchers to benefit from decades of investment by the Scottish pig industry that make their systems of rearing, production and traceability amongst the best in the world.”

Specially Selected Pork branded products come with whole chain assurance that the pigs are born, raised and slaughtered in Scotland, fed on an independently inspected and assured diet that meets the European EN450:11 standards, and spend all their lives on an assured farm.

Quality Meat Scotland is the public body that promotes Scottish pigmeat products under the Specially Selected Pork, Ham and Bacon brands and runs the whole chain assurance scheme on behalf of the Scottish industry.

‘Uel said: “Consumers are saying they want to know where their food comes from.

“With 99 per cent of Scotland’s pig products eligible to carry the Specially Selected Brand, and Quality Meat Scotland’s investment in increasing public awareness of it, retailers both big and small have the opportunity to guarantee what they are sourcing is a genuinely Scottish, high quality product.”

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