CME: Outlook for US Producers Under Speculation
US - According to CME's Daily Livestock Report for 4 June 2009, there is a lot of speculation as to what will be the outlook for US pork producers for the remainder of this year and in 2010.What everybody agrees on is that things can no
longer continue in this fashion. Pork producers have been losing
money consistently since 2007 and with corn and soybean prices
moving higher, their losses will persist in the second half of this
year. Dr. John Lawrence at Iowa State has been calculating pork
producer profitability for a long time and the chart to the left
graphically shows the implied profitability for a farrow to finish
operation. Individual results obviously vary as more efficient operations
reap the benefits of better productivity and lower overall
Also, the situation is slightly different for those that focus
simply on farrowing or finishing, and the number of specialized
operations has been growing. Overall, farrowing operations appear
to be doing much better than those simply finishing hogs.
The former have benefited from the shift among some packers
towards US born feeder pigs. Rising costs and slumping hog values
clearly have hit finishing operations who are caught with animals
that were bought at relatively high prices as feeders and now
have to be sold at a significant loss.
The overall calculations provide
a useful benchmark as to where the industry is at this point
in time. The April numbers from Dr. Lawrence numbers show
that total farrow-to-finish gains/losses were estimated at a negative
($18.45) per head and based on the preliminary feed and hog
prices for May we calculate that in early June they were likely
around ($30) per head. US pork producers have been losing
money in 18 of the last 20 months and the latest action in the
CME hog futures almost assures that they will continue to lose
money for the remainder of 2009.
Unless we have an unexpected
bumper corn crop and more planted acres than expected, current
feed values would imply live hog breakevens in the mid 50s,
and possibly higher (around $75 on a carcass weight basis). On
Thursday afternoon October lean hog carcass futures closed at
$61.225 while December was at $64.175. In the past, negative
margins have led to declines in production. How much the industry
needs to cut back this time around will be an interesting
guessing game in the coming months