WPC REPORT - Pledge for International Cooperation and Transparency

CHINA - The International Meat Secretariat has set out a seven point pledge to enhance transparency, animal welfare food safety and cooperation within the global pig meat industry at the World Pork Conference in Qingdao, China, writes ThePigSite senior editor, Chris Harris.
calendar icon 4 September 2009
clock icon 4 minute read

In closing the conference, the president of the China Meat Association Li Shuilong read out the declaration on the development of the industry, which called for enhanced international cooperation.

Mr Shuilong said: "The International Meat Secretariat and its member countries all want to build on the success of the last decade and ensure pork remains an important part of the diet for the world's growing population.

"The production and trading of animal products have a close relation with the quality of life. Based on the fundamental principle of 'cooperation and development', the IMS joins together with OIE, WHO and other governmental organisations to ensure the safety of pork products through the whole world.

Enhancing international cooperation is based on information transparency and inter-communication of the safety risk of animal products. Adhering to the principle of sincerity, the IMS is committed to the release and communication of safety risk information for animal products in accordance with international standards.

"To enhance international cooperation, risk analysis and assessment on safety issue of animal products are carried out to scientifically indentify the potential hazard. The IMS will promote the scientific spirit to consistently improve the ability of risk analysis and assessment on pork products by scientific methods.

"To enhance international cooperation, preventive measures of the potential risk to human health caused by animal products are taken to control the spread of hazard. The IMS fully supports the world health organisation and the OIE in their policies to minimise the potential risk.

"To enhance international cooperation, analytical judgement on the safe conditions of animal products in accordance with the international standards should be implemented. The IMS fully supports the policies of the OIE in the revision of international standards on quality safety of pork products as technology progresses.

"To enhance international cooperation, the origin, exit and market access of animal products should be strictly controlled. The IMS supports the management of quarantine, inspection and detection of live pigs and pork products in line with the agreed international standards and promotes advanced monitoring technology to help prevent trade in unsafe pork products."

During the closing ceremony the president of the IMS, Paddy Moore said the conference had stimulated debate and dialogue.

He said there will always be a market for pork products in a world with an ever growing population and he called for an efficient industry to meet that demand in line with good environmental practices.

He said the industry had to continually raise standards in health, safety and welfare of animals and products.

And he added that the industry had to be prepared to promote pork products as nutritious and a valuable part of the diet and also be prepared to defend those products when necessary.

He also called on the industry to embrace standards that were bases on good science.

Plans are being set for the next World Pork Conference in two years time. The date and venue will be announced at the World Meat Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina in September next year.

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