Campaign against Intensive Farming Initiated
AUSTRALIA - Welfare campaginers, Animals Australia, has begun a new radio campaign to highlight what they describe as the cruelty of factory farming – particuarly battery hens and gestation crates for sows – to consumers.A high impact radio commercial highlighting the treatment of over 11 million battery hens and 200,000 mother pigs in factory farms has been launched by Animals Australia to build on the success of its high profile television commercial campaign last year.
The radio commercial, created by leading Sydney advertising agency, Loud, is a brilliant play on the children's song 'Old MacDonald had a farm...'." and highlights that for most breeding pigs and laying hens in Australia the lives they endure are a far cry from the happy images evoked by the song.
Glenys Oogjes, Executive Director of Animals Australia stated: "We were overwhelmed with the public response to our recent television advertising campaign highlighting the treatment of breeding pigs in factory farms. It completely confirmed our belief that an informed community will not accept or tolerate such unacceptable treatment of animals.
"Factory farming is inherently cruel. There is no excuse for confining animals so that they are barely able to move. There is no excuse for subjecting them to surgical procedures without pain relief, and consumers are never going to accept methods of farming that deny animals all quality of life."
Australian retailers are acknowledging that growing awareness of factory farming is increasingly leading to consumer interest in making more humane choices. Woolworths' 2009 Corporate Social Responsibility Report reveals a 33.6 per cent increase in the sales of free-range chicken and a 32 per cent increase in the sales of free-range eggs during 2009.
Ms Oogjes added: "Animals Australia has no doubt that as community awareness of the treatment of breeding pigs in factory farms increases that consumers will similarly use their power as consumers to vote against animal cruelty.
"It is astonishing that industry representative bodies Australian Pork Limited and the Australian Egg Corporation refuse to acknowledge the 'writing on the wall' and continue to defend pregnant sow crates and battery cages, when they should be actively advocating to their producers that change is needed and assuring consumers that their industries are committed to getting rid of cruel practices."
"During 2010 Animals Australia will dramatically increase its campaigns against factory farming. Every time we highlight the cruelty of factory farming financial support floods in to keep our campaigns on air. They recognise as we do that it is outrageous that 'production' animals are being denied the same legal protection afforded to dogs and cats when we know that their ability to suffer is the same. All animals deserve to be provided with quality of life and protection from cruel treatment," concluded Ms Oogjes.
The new radio commercials 'Old MacDonald's Myth' can be heard at by clicking here.