A/H1N1 Flu Breaks Out in Swine; Issue Resolved
TAIWAN - The Taiwanese veterinary authorities have reportted an outbreak of A/H1N1 influenza in the country, affecting swine herds.The World Organisation for Animal Health received an immediate notification yesterday, 7 September. According to the report, the outbreak occured on 2 September in T'ai-Tung.
A total of four cases were identified, while 4000 of the animals showed signs of susceptibility to the disease.
The farmer reported pigs with signs of parakeratosis to the prefecture animal disease control competent authority, a zinc deficiency was suspected. Samples were collected and sent to the Animal Health Research Institute for diagnosis. Samples were also subjected to swine influenza virus test including pandemic influenza A/H1N1 virus test under the routine active and passive surveillance programme. Positive results in virus isolation, RRT-PCR and gene sequencing were obtained on 2 September 2010, which demonstrated that pigs were infected by the pandemic influenza A/H1N1 virus.
Movement control was implemented and disinfection and cleaning of the index farm have been conducted and completed. Follow-up tests were conducted and negative results in RRT-PCR and virus isolation were obtained on 6 September 2010.
Six pig farms within 3km radius around the index farm have been investigated and monitored. No clinical evidence of infection was found.
Although the issue has been resolved, the cause of the outbreak remains unidentified.