EU Pig Prices: Supply and Demand Well-Balanced

EU - The slaughter pig market appears to be in a very steady condition this last week before Christmas.
calendar icon 21 December 2010
clock icon 4 minute read

Room was still left for manoeuvre of quotations in the Netherlands and in France, which went up slightly again. As a result, the price in the Netherlands differs even more from the Danish price level. The French price now is left only marginally below the Danish quotation. In all other countries, the prices remain mostly unchanged. Germany takes the lead again, still being ahead of the five countries richest in pigs.

Supply of slaughter pigs is well in balance with demand on the part of the slaughter companies. As the producers were able to satisfy the brisk demand over the past weeks, the market is well cleared currently. Only few pig slaughters will be postponed to be carried out next year. Such kind of action is also reported on from the Netherlands. At present, however, the market participants are much more worried about the road conditions as well as about the logistical problems resulting from that than they are about possible market developments.

Trend for the German market: This year, the Christmas holidays are well timed, so only slightly lower quantities of pigs will be slaughtered over Christmas. Thus, excess of supply is not expected to occur. The price level is anticipated to remain steady over the turn of the year.

Week 44 1,346 € 1,273 € 1,325 € 1,310 € 1,305 € 1,337 € 1,374 € 1,468 € 1,357 € 1,222 € 1,451 € 1,254 € 1,247 €
Week 45 1,346 € 1,273 € 1,325 € 1,310 € 1,303 € 1,356 € 1,364 € 1,494 € 1,359 € 1,222 € 1,452 € 1,315 € 1,247 €
Week 46 1,366 € 1,283 € 1,325 € 1,334 € 1,303 € 1,343 € 1,359 € 1,481 € 1,359 € 1,263 € 1,481 € 1,305 € 1,247 €
Week 47 1,366 € 1,283 € 1,325 € 1,334 € 1,304 € 1,306 € 1,354 € 1,481 € 1,359 € 1,263 € 1,481 € 1,305 € 1,247 €
Week 48 1,366 € 1,293 € 1,325 € 1,334 € 1,306 € 1,315 € 1,352 € 1,468 € 1,359 € 1,263 € 1,526 € 1,312 € 1,247 €
Week 49 1,396 € 1,312 € 1,325 € 1,347 € 1,304 € 1,316 € 1,335 € 1,468 € 1,359 € 1,284 € 1,550 € 1,261 € 1,247 €
Week 50 1,426 € 1,340 € 1,325 € 1,384 € 1,310 € 0 0 1,430 € 1,374 € 1,325 € 1,540 € 1,277 € 1,247 €
Week 51 1,426 € 1,350 € 1,326 € 1,384 € 1,323 € 0 0 0 1,379 € 1,325 € 1,513 € 1,198 € 1,247 €

1corrected quotation: The official Quotations of the different countries are corrected, so that each quotation has the same base (conditions).
base: 56 per cent lean meat; farm-gate-price; 79 per cent killing out percentage, without value-added-tax (VAT)

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