Beulin Leads FNSEA into 2011
FRANCE - Xavier Beulin, the new president of France's national federation of farmers' unions, the FNSEA, has repeated his commitment to shore up farm incomes in the current economic crisis, adding that: "...competitivity is our top priority."Xavier Beulin
A cereal farmer from the Loiret area, Beulin is also chairman of the biofuels group, SOFIPROTEOL.
He was elected after former president Jean-Michel Lemétayer stepped down in December, ahead of the end of his mandate in March.
In his 2011 greetings to the press, Mr Beulin looked ahead to the contractualisation of the beef market that will follow last year's farm modernisation legislation (LMA).
"The agriculture minister wants to ensure the after-sales service of his new law, but but we mustn't confound speed and haste," Mr Beulin declared. Contractualisation has already been decreed for milk and fresh produce.