EU Pig Prices: Slaughter Pig Markets Note Optimism

EU - The atmosphere is very optimistic on the European slaughter pig market this week.
calendar icon 1 February 2011
clock icon 3 minute read

Some quotations rise rapidly and above all does the German quotation with its 13 cents' increase. This way, Germany still continues the pursuit race which followed the drastic drop in prices which came about two weeks ago. The Dutch are thus expelled down to the lowest ranking within the European price structure related to the six European richest in pigs. Nevertheless, prices have not yet returned to the level they held before the price drop.

Prices are reported to have clearly increased in Denmark and Spain. Marginal price increases are reported on from France. In Sweden, prices have increased just slightly, which is attributed to currency fluctuations. The prices are said to not have changed or even be slightly declining in Ireland and Great Britain.

Trend for Germany: The producers were expected to be less reluctant to sell at the beginning of the week, yet they are not. So the quantities of pigs mature for slaughter on offer in Germany are not excessive. The slaughter companies hand in their orders swiflty. Therefore, the prices are currently expected to continue to go up noticeably.

Week 50 1,426 € 1,340 € 1,325 € 1,384 € 1,310 € 1,316 € 1,334 € 1,430 € 1,374 € 1,325 € 1,540 € 1,277 € 1,247 €
Week 51 1,426 € 1,350 € 1,326 € 1,384 € 1,323 € 1,322 € 1,332 € 1,430 € 1,379 € 1,325 € 1,513 € 1,198 € 1,247 €
Week 52 1,426 € 1,321 € 1,325 € 1,384 € 1,354 € 1,328 € 1,328 € 1,430 € 1,379 € 1,325 € 1,529 € 1,202 € 1,247 €
Week 1 1,296 € 1,235 € 1,368 € 1,273 € 1,351 € 1,334 € 1,366 € 1,430 € 1,379 € 1,222 € 1,509 € 1,205 € 1,247 €
Week 2 1,296 € 1,235 € 1,342 € 1,297 € 1,360 € 1,384 € 1,430 € 1,379 € 1,222 € 1,526 € 1,156 € 1,247 €
Week 3 1,066 € 1,149 € 1,342 € 1,297 € 1,358 € 1,388 € 1,430 € 1,417 € 1,222 € 1,462 € 1,151 € 1,247 €
Week 4 1,146 € 1,168 € 1,314 € 1,205 € 1,354 € 1,456 € 1,451 € 1,120 € 1,440 € 1,048 € 1,247 €
Week 5 1,276 € 1,245 € 1,341 € 1,273 € 1,355 € 1,481 € 1,499 € 1,222 € 1,389 € 1,061 € 1,247 €

1corrected quotation: The official Quotations of the different countries are corrected, so that each quotation has the same base (conditions).
base: 56 per cent lean meat; farm-gate-price; 79 per cent killing out percentage, without value-added-tax (VAT)

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