Free Advice for Pig Farmers in Central West
AUSTRALIA - Pig farmers who are planning to move from individual sow stalls to group housing will be able to get the latest advice on shed conversions at a free seminar in Forbes on Thursday 13 October.The sow housing seminar has been organised by Alan Sharrock, specialist pig vet in Forbes, and is being supported by NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI).
"The need for shed renovations follows the pork industry’s voluntary decision to move away from sow gestation stalls by 2017," said Jayce Morgan, Livestock Officer Pigs with NSW DPI at Tamworth.
"The catalyst for this move was the Coles promise to its consumers to only sell 'stall free' pork from 2014.
"Pig veterinarian Alan Sharrock found himself on the receiving end of many questions about pig shed renovations when visiting clients - so he decided to get a larger group together to cover the issues of sow housing at this seminar.
"Ms Morgan said the seminar was open to all pig producers and would be of interest to anyone wanting to better understand the group dynamics of sows whatever their production system.
"The speaker list features practical pig farmers who have made progress with their own retro-fit renovations and who are prepared to share their experiences," she said.
"There will also be a section by Australian Pork Limited on the current and projected research and development in this area.
"Trade displays will include electronic sow feeders, and feeders and equipment for group housing, with displays by Stockyard Industries, Mundingo, Veryken Bros, and Ben Slots."
Speakers will cover a range of questions facing producers including:
- How much space does a sow need for comfort without affecting other sows in the group?
- Can sows be successfully fed in groups or is there a need to maintain some feed stalls?
- Is group size important?
- How will the changes in group accommodations affect effluent management?
The seminar will be held on Thursday, 13 October, starting 9am at the Rugby Union Clubhouse on Grinstead Oval in Forbes.
The day’s events include morning, afternoon teas and lunch.
People interested in attending are asked to RSVP to Jayce Morgan at NSW DPI on 0428 416 518 or [email protected]
There is no cost but the organisers need to know numbers for catering purposes.