APL: Know Your Animal Welfare Rights

AUSTRALIA - Australian Pork Limited (APL) has issued a producer notice asking pig producers to "know your animal welfare rights." This is a timely reminder to all pork producers.
calendar icon 30 November 2011
clock icon 3 minute read

Staff induction and training

  • To support sound management of your piggery and to protect food safety, animal welfare, biosecurity and worker safety, you should ensure all employees undergo the appropriate induction and competency trainings.

  • On commencing employment, new staff should undergo an induction process and skills check. This induction process should be supported by correct and detailed up to-date records of what training took place in what competencies. Also records should be on hand as to what requirements, job description, particular employees are expected to undertake in the role they are employed. It is important that a Staff Training Record and/or Competency Register or Diary record (for small holder producers) is completed for all staff to document their competency in specific work related skills. This record should be updated as new training, competencies and qualifications are completed, or when job descriptions change for individual staff.

On-farm biosecurity

  • Ensure you have appropriate signage alerting employees and visitors to the piggery of the need for due diligence around biosecurity, health and welfare for the animals.

  • Notices such as "Permission is required before entering the property", "No photography may be taken without permission" and "Private Property/ Trespassers will be prosecuted" are essential. Also ask for ID from people seeking to inspect you farm.

If you encounter trespassers

  • It is recommended you call 131 444 for police assistance or attendance. Calmly introduce yourself and your position. Ask them what they are there for. Tell them – "You are trespassing, I am requesting you to leave the property. Please give me your name and address. I have called the police." Also alert APL during office hours on 1800 789 099 (Toll Free) or after hours Kathleen Plowman, APL General Manager Policy on mobile 0402 794 901.

If contacted by the media

  • You are within your rights to refuse entry to the media. Refrain from making comments. A simple "No comment" is sufficient. Contact Emily Mackintosh, APL General Manager Communication during office hours on 1800 789 099 (Toll Free) or after hours 0418 697 595 for advice.

Key APL Contacts

General Inquiries and information: Kathleen Plowman (0402 794 901)

Media Inquiries: Emily Mackintosh (0418 697 595)

If you would like more information on your animal welfare rights, then obtain a copy of Australian Pork Limited’s (APL) “Animal Welfare Alert“ by calling 1800 789 099 (Toll Free) or please click here.

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