RCC's Action Plan will Improve Trade for Hog Sector
CANADA - The Canadian Pork Council is pleased that the pork industry’s input to the Canada-United States Regulation Cooperation Council (RCC) has been fully covered in the Joint Action Plan announced on Wednesday afternoon by Prime Minister Harper and President Obama."The Canadian swine industry is very supportive of cooperation activities that would help to eliminate or reduce unnecessary regulatory divergences between Canada and the United States," stated CPC’s chair Jurgen Preugschas. "The industry is pleased the RCC accepted CPC’s recommendations that will improve the trading climate and competiveness of Canadian pork."
In cooperation with the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA), the CPC highlighted the importance of regulatory cooperation in areas such as: the implementation of electronic export certificates for meat and live animals crossing the US/Canada border; harmonization of the approval process for veterinary drugs, and; mutually recognizable zoning systems and veterinary equivalency.
"The United States is our number one customer for pork and live animals and the RCC’s Joint Action Plan offers the North American hog sector the opportunity to harmonize standards and production technology, consistent with an already highly integrated market," added Mr Preugschas.
The Canadian Pork Council serves as the national voice for hog producers in Canada. A federation of nine provincial pork industry associations, our organization’s purpose is to play a leadership role in achieving and maintaining a dynamic and prosperous Canadian pork sector.