CME: Hog, Cattle Carcass Weights Higher This Year
US - Carcass weights for both cattle and hogs have been sharply higher this year, skewing the supply picture for beef and pork protein supplies YTD, write Steve Meyer and Len Steiner.By far the most dramatic impact of
the higher carcass weights has been in the cattle complex. Different
from hogs who spend their time indoors, cattle are exposed
to the elements and therefore tend to be greatly affected by winter
weather. In cold and wet weather, cattle will spend a lot of
their energy trying to stay warm. However, this past winter was
one of the warmest on record, helping cattle retain more body fat
than in past years.
Cattle dressed carcass weights peaked at
792 pounds in early March, a 2.7 per cent grain from the same period a
year ago and an all time record for Q1. For the week ending 5 May, USDA estimated total cattle carcass weights at 780 pounds
per carcass, a 20 pound gain (+2.6 per cent) from the similar week a
year ago. Seasonally weights decline between January and May
but that has hardly happened this year and current cattle
weights, which should be the lowest for the year, match
some of the highs that we saw in the fall of 2011.
One of the arguments for the higher carcass weights is
that we now have fewer cows in the cattle mix. Indeed, looking
at the decline in cow slaughter recently, this would seem to make
sense. However, the weekly statistics does not seem to support
this explanation.
Since the beginning of the year, steer slaughter
is down 5 per cent compared to a 7 per cent decline in heifer slaughter and 3 per cent
decline in cow slaughter. Year to date, steers have made up
about 48 per cent of the overall slaughter, about the same as a year ago.
Since the beginning of March, steer slaughter has been down 5 per cent
from last year compared to a 3 per cent decline for heifers and 4 per cent reduction
in cow slaughter.
At this point, changes in the slaughter
mix do not seem to have had much effect on weights. Rather, we
are seeing big gains in weights for steers, heifers and cows. Year
to date steer weights are up 16 pounds or 1.9 per cent from the same
period a year ago, heifer weights are up 17 pounds or 2.2 per cent and
cow weights are up 6 pounds or 0.9 per cent.
The higher weights effectively
have negated some of the effect of lower slaughter. They
also tend to negatively impact feedlot returns as more discounts
are taken for over finished animals. Retailers and foodservice operators have been complaining for some time about the size of
cuts coming to market and the current situation does little to
alleviate those concerns. It’s actually making things worse.
As noted before, the gains in hog carcass
weights have been quite significant this year, as well. Based on
the daily MPR data, hog carcass weights are currently hovering
at around 208 pounds per carcass, about 1.3 pounds or 1 per cent higher
than a year ago. Seasonally lower hog weights will limit both the
overall supply of pork and particularly the supply of pork trim.
72CL pork trim is up 20 cents in the last two weeks. It is one of
the arguments for hog futures being oversold at this time.