CME: Pig Crop, Hog Slaughter Increase; Breeding Herd Declines
US - USDA’s quarterly Hogs and Pigs report will be released this Friday, 28 December at 2:00 p.m. CST, write Steve Meyer and Len Steiner.The results of Dow Jones’ pre-report survey of livestock analysts appear below. We would call the expected changes quite modest in light of this year’s cost levels and significant red ink.

The surveyed analysts expect a modest 0.9 per cent reduction in
market pig inventories, implying slightly lower slaughter totals over the
next 5-6 months. The larger reduction are in the light-weight categories
meaning the reductions will be larger toward the end of the 6-month
marketing horizon. The expected 0.5 per cent increase in the180 lb. and over
inventory compares to an increase of 0.9 per cent in recent slaughter total.
This year’s December contained 15 full slaughter weekdays and four full
Saturdays. Comparing to last year is a trick since there were not four
full Saturdays before Christmas —Christmas Eve fell on a Saturday
and thus saw only about 25,000 head processed. We dropped last
Saturday’s total from the tally in order to compare equal numbers of
days. Should the actual 180-plus number come in at +0.5 per cent, we’d say it
is close enough to he actual inventory of these near market-ready hogs
back on 1 December.
You have seen much written — in these pages and by others
— about how the breeding herd may have been changing this year.
The surveyed analysts’ average of 99.3 per cent would put the 1 December herd at
5.762 million head, down 41,000 from one year ago and 26,000 from
1 September. The 5.762 million would be the fourth lowest breeding
herd inventory ever and the smallest since 5.760 million were counted
back in March 2010.
The slaughter of US sows (ie. imports of Canadian sows are
deducted from the total) has been just over 3,000 head lower from 1 September
through 8 December than it was one year ago. Total sow
slaughter and the slaughter of US sows were sharply higher in September
and early October but have fallen below last year’s level since
mid-October. Sows are only part of the story, though. Based on data
from the University of Missouri, gilt slaughter as a per cent of total barrow
and gilt slaughter has been down .3 per cent this year versus last year.
When combined with larger slaughter this year, that means the just over
100,000 more gilts were withheld from slaughter in 2012 — assuming
that the pigs surviving to market weight are comprised of equal numbers
of barrows and gilts. Logic says that the sow herd should have contracted
but it appears that there were enough females available to actually
grow it slightly.
And just how useful is the size of the breeding herd for
predicting slaughter? Not very. As can be seen below, the pig crop
and hog slaughter have kept increasing as the US breeding herd has
declined. In fact, the correlation between slaughter and the breeding
herd is –.59. Not only are they not highly correlated, the relationship is
actually negative!. The coefficient for slaughter and the lagged pig crop
is +.73 — the right sign but still not particularly high. There are many
other factors — seasonality for one — that help determine slaughter
numbers. Why the low correlation with the breeding herd? Rising
productivity (breeding efficiency, litter size) is the big driver. In addition,
the US survey asks about “Hogs kept for breeding“ without specifying
their sex or their age. Artificial insemination has meant a higher proportion of females but, where gilts were once selected from the population
of market hogs, they are now produced by specialized female lines and
may be “kept for breeding“ from a very early age. Inclusion of these
younger animals would actually inflate that breeding herd number
meaning that the true relation might actually be even more negative.
Quarterly Breeding Herd, Pig Crop and Hog Slaughter