Making the Most of Bacon
UK - Bacon may be an everyday ingredient but there is a danger of it being underplayed out of the home.As an ingredient used at breakfast, lunch and dinner; whether in a sandwich, salad, quiche or carbonara, people can often fail to appreciate the pleasure from those eating it and the value it delivers to the dish.
This is the verdict from the first BPEX Foodservice Bacon Report, which takes a timely look at bacon and the opportunities to add value to menus in the run up to Bacon Connoisseurs’ Week (18-24 March 2013).
- 7 out of 10 consumers eat bacon out of home
- More than half look at the flavour profile of bacon when available
- 51 per cent would be more likely to buy bacon labelled as Red Tractor
- 88 per cent say the quality of bacon is important to their breakfast experience
Those working in foodservice could make much more of bacon says BPEX foodservice trade manager, Tony Goodger
"The report clearly shows the popularity of quality assured bacon and how customers can be positively influenced by menu descriptions and labelling.
"There are many clues here to improve take up of bacon-dishes further. This is particularly important at a time when bacon – and pork in general – is very much in the headlines thanks to campaigns such as Bacon Connoisseurs Week and ‘Give a Fork about Your Pork’, fronted by Jimmy Doherty."
You can view the report by clicking here.