CPC Supports 2013 Federal Budget
CANADA - The Federal Budget released by the Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty on Thursday (21 March) afternoon outlined the Federal government’s continued commitment to innovation, competitiveness, market development and regulatory cooperation with the United States.These are priorities for the Canadian pork industry and the Canadian Pork Council.
"The Canadian swine industry is very supportive of expanding trade and cooperation activities that would help to improve the trading climate and competiveness of Canadian pork," stated CPC’s Chair Jean-Guy Vincent. "We are very supportive of the Canadian governments’ trade agenda and look forward to the successful completion of the trade agreements with the European Union, Japan, South Korea and Trans Pacific Partnership."
Although the budget contains an ongoing demonstration of commitment to the hog industry, CPC is looking forward to stronger commitments in the short term through Growing Forward 2 programming. The Growing Forward 2 Agriculture policy framework’s themes of innovation, market development and competiveness can help to address the current severity of business conditions in the hog industry.
"We need to ensure that the industry retains the capacity to resume its historical patterns of growth while make a significant contribution to Canada’s economy. This can be achieved through Swine Innovation Porc’s research and technology transfer plan, Canada Pork International’s strategic vision for international market development, Canadian Swine Health Board efforts to improve swine health and ongoing development of Pig Trace’s live animal traceability initiative," Mr Vincent said.