Alltech Symposium to Discuss Feeding People, Protecting the Planet
US - Can the agriculture industry feed the world while sustaining its land, air and water? Terms such as "carbon footprint," unheard of ten years ago, now pepper the pages of newspapers and magazines and are gradually making their way into legislation.Seven years from now, in 2020, what will the impact of this be? Glimpse into the future at the 29th Annual Alltech International Symposium in Lexington, Kentucky, USA, from 19-22 May.
"Sustainability is key for the future of the agriculture industry. Put simply, if it’s not sustainable, it’s not going to last. Carbon footprint is only the tip of the iceberg: global warming, droughts, flooding, pollution and water shortages are all becoming major global issues," said Kevin Tuck, managing director of Alltech’s European Bioscience Centre and chairperson of the environment track at Symposium. "It’s time for agriculture to step up and lead. Improving efficiency within any process reduces expenses, resources used and waste."
New in 2013, Alltech International Symposium delegates will have the opportunity to select breakout session tracks. These tracks, as opposed to traditional species or subject breakouts, will offer attendees a more holistic experience in which they take part in discussions ranging from algae and agriculture’s carbon footprint to nutrition and marketing.
Environment focused breakout session tracks include:
- Here Comes The Bill: Get ready. Your carbon footprint tax bill is in the mail. Do you know what your environmental footprint is going to cost you? What will you do when the carbon taxman comes calling?
- Water: It covers two-thirds of the earth, yet there is not enough to drink. Designing businesses around the most essential ingredient of all.
- Global Warming: Is it Real? In 2020, just seven years from now, will we trade carbon credits or products?
- The 4-Point Plan: Know your carbon footprint and lower your taxes. (1) Audit your current carbon footprint. (2) Analyze what is causing that carbon footprint. (3) Recommend. (4) Re-audit three months from now.
- Embrace The Carbon Footprint: How the Irish have embraced the carbon footprint to improve their green image. Lessons learned from the Irish and others around the world who are working in this area.
- Agriculture, Will It Be Less Toxic? Worldwide, agriculture emits the greatest amount of carbon of any industry. What does this mean for environmental control and legislation of carbon dioxide?
Registration for Alltech's 29th Annual International Symposium is open now (click here) and available for an early discount price of $599 until 15 April at 11:59 p.m. EST. Standard registration after April 15 will be $850. Two paid registrations from a single company or organization will receive a third registration free of charge. Delegates who are members of ARPAS and AAVSB can also earn CEUs.
Attendees are encouraged to register early as space is limited. Of the nearly 3,000 international delegates who attended the 2012 Alltech International Symposium, 97 per cent indicated that they plan to attend again.
For more information, or to request an invitation, contact a local Alltech representative, visit or email [email protected].