Ontario Pig Production Trends

CANADA - 2012 pig production was similar to the previous two years with 6.059 million pigs being marketed, according to John Bancroft in Ontario Pork's "Pork News & Views".
calendar icon 12 April 2013
clock icon 2 minute read

The graph below shows the trend in pig production for Ontario since 1993.

Pig Production in Ontario (1,000 of Head)

Some items of interest are:

  • This accounts for pigs that raised in Ontario and either slaughtered in Canada or exported as breeding stock, slaughter pigs (sows, boars and market pigs), or feeder pigs (early weaned and feeder pigs). Interprovincial trade of feeder pigs is not accounted for.
  • 2012 pig production was similar to the previous two years with 6.059 million pigs being marketed
  • In 2012, 82 per cent were slaughtered in Canada, 13 per cent exported as feeder pigs, and 5 per cent exported for slaughter. The change from 2011 was a slight shift down in the number of pigs exported for slaughter with a slight shift up in the number slaughtered within Canada.
  • Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec accounted for 80 per cent of the Canadian pig production.
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