Participation Encouraged During Code Comment Period
CANADA - The chair of the National Farm Animal Care Council's Pig Code Development Committee is encouraging broad public participation during the public comment period for a proposed updated Canadian Pig Code of Practice, writes Bruce Cochrane.The National Farm Animal Care Council is coordinating the revision of eight codes of practice for the care of farm animals in Canada.
Pig Code Development Committee chair Florian Possberg says a draft code Pig Code of Practice is now being edited and translated and will appear on the National Farm Animal Care Council web site on or about 1 June.
Florian Possberg-Pig Code Development Committee
It will steer people to a process to submit comments.
It can be done on line, it can be done in written form and we would encourage anyone that has an opinion to look it over and to respond however they feel is appropriate.
When you have a committee of 12 or 15 people coming up with something that affects all hog production across Canada it's really important for anyone that has concerns or opinions or thoughts to look it over and to decide whether they think it's appropriate so the comment period is important.
We expect the general public to take interest, certainly special interest groups, we already know that they will likely respond as well and of course producers who are directly affected by what ever is in the code certainly want to know what's proposed and give us their thoughts as well.
Following the release of the proposed updated Pig Code of Practice the public will have 60 days to make comments.
The Pig Code Development Committee will then make any necessary revisions and a new code is expected to be in place by 31 December.