Time to Resourcify: Conference Examines Food Supply Options
NETHERLANDS - The seventh AgriVision animal nutrition conference will examine the options for feeding nine billion people in 2050; through improved productivity, new technologies and, most importantly, by addressing the ever-increasing demand for resources. It is encapsulated in the theme ‘Time to Resourcify’.The conference will take place from Tuesday 18th to Thursday 20th June in Noordwijk aan Zee in the Netherlands.
Since its beginning in 2000, AgriVision has been a leading meeting place for decision makers in the worldwide animal feed-to-food industry. Nutreco alternately organizes AgriVision and AquaVision conferences and aims to set the direction for future developments in the industry.
To feed the growing world population in a sustainable way requires a combination of three possible scenarios according to McKinsey research: increasing resource supply; boosting resource productivity; and responding to the threat of climate change by for instance reducing our environmental footprint.
At AquaVision 2012, keynote speaker Kofi Annan said: “I do not ask you to change direction but I ask you to accelerate progress.”
At AgriVision 2013, the challenges and opportunities for the animal nutrition industry will be discussed, which includes how to double food production, while halving our footprint.
The conference will look at how to provide more food from less of the world’s resources through more efficient and sustainable extraction, conversion and use. It is time to capture the potential of our resources to accelerate progress towards a more sustainable world; it is ‘Time to Resourcify.’
The AgriVision speakers in 2013 include top international presenters and rising stars from emerging economies.
Keynote speaker, and the world’s foremost authority on strategy, competition and competitive advantage, Professor Michael Porter of the Harvard Business School will explain what strategy is and the key principles that underlie strategic positioning.

He will also define the concept of shared value, highlight the differences with corporate social responsibility and explain how shared value can be measured. Shared value offers the animal nutrition industry new ways to innovate.
AgriVision 2013 will focus on challenges and opportunities both in and for Africa.
In a broader, global context, the contribution of science and technology in crop and animal protein production to solving the resource challenge will also be explored.
AgriVision offers key players in the animal nutrition business and various other stakeholders such as scientists, governments and NGOs, a unique opportunity to network and become inspired.
In 2011, close to 400 delegates from almost 40 different countries mingled and made new connections.
This conference is a platform for intellectual stimulation that provides input for strategy development.
AgriVision 2013 is organised by Nutreco and sponsored by Evonik, DuPont and Rabobank.