Brazilian Meat Production to Expand
BRAZIL - According to the latest Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) Long Term Outlook, Brazilian beef production is forecast to increase 22.5 per cent between 2012-13 and 2022-23, reaching 10.9 million tonnes by the end of the 10-year period.In comparison, poultry production is forecast to increase 46 per cent, helping Brazil to maintain its mantle as the world’s largest chicken exporter, at an estimated 4.67 million tonnes, according to analysts at Meat and Livestock Australia.
For the same period, Brazilian pork production is forecast to expand 21 per cent by 2022-23, to 4.2 million tonnes, with domestic expected to account for around 83 per cent of production.
Helping the growth in the feed intensive pork and poultry industries is further expansion in grain output, with corn production expected to rise 20 per cent over the next decade, to 93.6 million tonnes by 2022-23.
Brazilian soybean production is currently concentrated in Mato Grosso state, accounting for 29 per cent of total production and Parana (19.5 per cent), Rio Grande do Sul (15.4 per cent) and Goias (10.5 per cent).
Production is expected to total 99.2 million tonnes by 2022-23, an increase of 22 per cent over the next decade - below the 66 per cent growth registered during the last decade.
The soybean planted area is forecast to also increase from 27.7 million hectares in 2013 to 34.4 million hectares in 2023.
Exports for the same period are forecast to rise 27.5 per cent, to 46.9 million tonnes.