Flooded Farmers Have More Time to Apply for Assistance
AUSTRALIA - This extension on flood relief applies to Category C and D assistance under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA).Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry John McVeigh said the eligibility period was due to end on 30 August, but producers and small businesses needed more time to find suitable contractors and finalise their applications.
“Applicants now have until 29 November 2013 to lodge their applications with the Queensland Rural Adjustment Authority (QRAA),” Mr McVeigh said.
“Many farmers are still cleaning up after ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald and are struggling to complete repair and recovery activities before the start of the next wet season.
“Many fields are still extremely wet preventing heavy machinery access and access to contractors, tradespeople and other labourers is constrained due to high demand.
“The other good news, as announced by the Premier and Federal Government on Tuesday 9 July, is that all flood-affected primary producers in Rockhampton Regional Council now have access to recovery assistance after the Newman Government successfully lobbied for additional funds.
“Category C provides clean-up and recovery grants for primary producers and small businesses up to A$25,000.
“The application period for the exceptional disaster concessional loan and grant scheme under Category D of the NDRRA is also being extended to 29 November 2013 in all areas that have been granted access to grants under Category C, including Rockhampton Regional Council.
“This provides access to concessional loans up to $650,000, including a 25 per cent grant component to a maximum of A$50,000. Repayments and interest on these loans do not start until the third year of the loan at an interest rate of 1.7 per cent.”
Mr McVeigh said producers in Rockhampton Regional Council already had access to Category B assistance for ex-Tropical cyclone Oswald, including freight subsidies to a maximum of A$5,000, and standard natural disaster loans of up to A$250,000 with an interest rate of 1.7 per cent.
Primary producers, small businesses and not for profit organisations should keep all receipts and invoices of expenditure and contact QRAA on 1800 623 946 to discuss eligibility or visit www.qraa.qld.gov.au.
For information on small business support visit www.business.qld.gov.au