Volume of Ham Exported up During January-April 2013
SPAIN - Exports of ham and shoulder increased 22.54 per cent, to 8,402 tonnes between January and April compared with the first four months of 2012, according to Spanish Serrano Ham Consortium.The latest data available from the Tax Office puts the value of ham at 76.8 million euros, 24.9 per cent higher than the same period last year. For the Consortium, these figures represent a relief for the sector.
In relation to the destinations, Germany, France and Portugal, with a combined weight of 58.7 per cent of total exports, continue to occupy the top spot with 2,357 exports (+27.4 per cent), 2,067 (+12.3 per cent ) and 507 tons (+11.6 per cent) respectively. Behind them lie Italy, with 407 tons, and Mexico, with 329 tons.
By geographical area, it should be noted that exports to the EU-27 have increased in this period by 23.4 per cent while exports to non-EU countries have risen by 19.4 per cent.
These developments point out that the EU's weight in exports has increased to 76.3 per cent in total exports, compared to 75.8 per cent in the same period last year, while in third countries, exports have decreased to 23.7 per cent against 24.2 per cent in the same period of 2012).