German Farmers Attack Green Party Report on Breeding Practices

GERMANY - The German Farmers’ Association (DBV) has hit out at the Green Party in Germany for using the livestock sector as a political election issue.
calendar icon 19 August 2013
clock icon 3 minute read

The farmers’ association is angry over a paper published by the Green Party and Alliance 90 called Bad Breeding Practice in Animal Husbandry ("Qualzucht in der Tierhaltung") which it says gives a false impression of German livestock farming.

The DBV said that an evaluation of the study from the University of Eberswalde does not support the Green Party’s allegations.

“It is rather that the Greens are spreading distrust in the livestock farming sector and it is no coincidence that it is just a month before the election,” said Dr. Helmut Born, Secretary General of the DBV.

He added that the study completely overlooks the fact that a healthy and long life and disease resistance are integral parts of good breeding.

Dr Born said that as a result the mortality rate in pig and piglet production in steadily declining and the cost of animal health per fattening pig including veterinary medicines and vaccines is reducing.

In the dairy sector, he said the study does not paint a current picture for the mortality rate for calves and goes back some 10 years as it does with the poultry industry.

Dr Born said the study had been very selective and reported facts from old reports.

Dr Born said that livestock farmers have a good approach to what is sustainable in breeding and that high quality meat, milk and eggs will only come from animals that are treated correctly and are happy.

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