Canada Sets Date for Mandatory Traceability of Pork

CANADA - The Government of Canada and the Canadian Pork Council (CPC) have agreed that mandatory requirements for the PigTrace Canada programme will take effect on 1 July 2014.
calendar icon 24 September 2013
clock icon 2 minute read

Federal regulation of PigTrace Canada, the national swine traceability system, is an important step towards building an effective program that responds to disease outbreaks and food safety emergencies, according to the Manitoba Pork Council.

To protect the pork industry, PigTrace aims to provide animal health and food safety officials with the best possible information regarding pig identification and movement between locations. For that to happen, the program needs the entire Canadian pork industry to participate.

Since proposed amendments to the Health of Animals Regulations were published by the Government of Canada during the summer of 2012, the CPC and its partners have worked with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) on an appropriate timeline to implement the traceability program and make it mandatory under federal law. July 1, 2014 sets a reasonable time-frame to allow the CPC and its provincial member organizations to continue to grow the programme.

For more information on PigTrace Canada, visit

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