EU Pig Prices: Varied Picture Throughout Europe

EU - The European slaughter pig market proves to be unsettled this week.
calendar icon 8 October 2013
clock icon 3 minute read

In the majority of the EU member countries participating in ISN’s pig price comparison, the market situation appears to be well-balanced and the quotations steady.

Slaughter pig prices in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Ireland again appear unchanged. Denmark too reports that prices are unchanged, compared to the previous week.

Quotations are still weak in the southern European regions, recording price decreases. As a result, the quotations are still further approaching the European mid-fielders.

Apart from the seasonal price decrease, weak exports are causing price pressure in Spain.

Market imbalances caused by weak demand are the reason for France’s strong fall in prices by as much as a corrected 5.7 cents.

Trend for the German market: At the beginning of this week, the slaughter pig market is well-balanced. After the shortened last week of slaughter, slaughter pigs can now be marketed without problems and at short notice. Demand from slaughter companies is skyrocketing and can hardly be covered, according to marketeers. For this reason, the atmosphere is mostly positive everywhere, and prices are expected to remain unchanged for the most part.

Week 34 1.826 1.756 1.724 1.791 1.825 1.822 1.780 2.076 1.955 1.786 1.951 1.594
Week 35 1.876 1.785 1.751 1.840 1.881 1.880 1.820 2.095 1.990 1.827 1.937 1.594
Week 36 1.876 1.785 1.751 1.840 1.931 1.877 1.877 2.095 2.016 1.827 1.971 1.594
Week 37 1.796 1.709 1.751 1.760 1.936 1.815 1.895 2.095 2.016 1.776 2.011 1.622
Week 38 1.696 1.623 1.752 1.655 1.825 1.813 1.888 2.095 1.936 1.673 1.984 1.622
Week 39 1.696 1.623 1.752 1.655 1.825 1.756 1.839 2.095 1.936 1.673 1.984 1.622
Week 40 1.696 1.623 1.724 1.655 1.774 1.832 2.095 1.888 1.673 1.993 1.622
Week 41 1.696 1.623 1.724 1.655 1.717 2.095 1.852 1.673 1.977 1.622
Prices in Euros (€)

1corrected quotation: The official Quotations of the different countries are corrected, so that each quotation has the same base (conditions).
base: 56 per cent lean meat; farm-gate-price; 79 per cent killing out percentage, without value-added-tax (VAT)

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