Black Pudding with Strawberry Jam Among Sausage Winners
UK - For the third day of British Sausage Week, the tour bus and judges were in Cambridge and Birmingham in their valiant attempt to seek out the best local fayre.Claire Holland of BPEX Marketing reports: "After a comfortable stay in Cambridge, day three dawned to a wet soggy morning for the regional tour team.
"Celebrity chef, Simon Rimmer, began the day before all of us giving an interview to BBC Cambridge on what the morning had in store for him. And then the thought of eating even more sausages drove us on to the first stop of the morning at the Tram Depot, Cambridge where we were greeted by the lovely Leah, who had the most amazing eyelashes!!
"With just six finalists at this event, Simon, Jane, Leah and I had a tough start to the day as all these winning sausages were fantastic. So to whittle it down to the top three was a difficult decision, but after much deliberation we decided on an amazing Black Pudding and Strawberry Jam Pork Sausage, a Pork Pear and Cider and a traditional Free Range Premium Porker.
"The combination of some of the flavours made it a tough decision but in the end, we felt the Black Pudding and Strawberry combo worked really well with hints of both coming through and lasting on the palate. Produced by Perfick Pork from Norfolk, they were amazed and thrilled to receive their Banger Award from Simon. Filming the whole event was ITV Anglia who not only interviewed the winner but filmed the judging and cooking.
"The winners said they were due to attend a number of food fairs and that their Banger Award will be travelling with them and be pride of place on the counter.
"After a very wet journey along the A14 and not even a promised coffee stop, as the PR boss lady said we didn’t really have the time to stop!

"The next stop was central Birmingham in the buzzing Old Joint Stock we all poured over a much needed cuppa. However we couldn’t sit around for long as we had been met by a bunch of eager butchers who had managed to beat us to the venue, and so it was all go to get the sausages booked in, down to the kitchen and cooked up by the lovely Cheryl from LIPs. We were also met by some old foodie blogging friends, Foodie-Laura (one of our 'Hambassadors') and Jason, our competition winner from the first round of judging.
"They both joined Simon in the judging along with Master Butcher Keith Fisher who managed to spare us a window in his busy schedule to join the team. Together they munched their way through 10 superb pork sausages from the region, and as always the difficulty came in shortlisting the top three, which turned out to be two Traditional Pork Sausages and a Tomato and Basil Pork Sausage, which had a really lovely blend of herbs and tomatoes.
"But in the end, Tradition won out and Rossiter Butchers from Bournville, Birmingham won with their organic Traditional Pork Sausage produced from pork from a Duroc cross with a Gloucester Old Spot breed.
"A truly overwhelmed Mr Rossiter said this was only the second time he’d entered his sausages into any competition so was really pleased with his Banger Award and couldn’t wait to tell the shop butchers of his win.
"We also had a flying visit by Flybe airline who were promoting their new route to Ireland from Birmingham by giving passengers award-winning sausage sandwiches from sausages which are produced from butchers in both areas. So Simon was pictured with both butchers and their sausages to promote our Week and their route."