Pork Checkoff Board of Directors Meets to Agree Budget
US - The National Pork Board is holding a meeting from today to 20 November in Des Moines, Iowa.Board President Karen Richter, a farmer from Montgomery, Minnesota, will preside over the meeting as the Board finalises the 2014 budget.
"We have a number of challenges ahead this next year-from sustaining the momentum of our Pork. Be Inspired. campaign to helping producers facing new swine diseases find the answers they need to keep their pigs healthy. The budget that we've put together will help us meet these challenges head-on," said Ms Richter.
In addition to finalising the Pork Checkoff 2014 budget, the agenda for the board meeting includes reviewing Pork Quality Assurance Plus programme developments, as well as updates on Pork Checkoff-funded research and producer education outreach on Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) virus. The board of directors will also discuss an innovative new program that could help producers during future disease outbreaks.
Meetings of the National Pork Board are open to the public. Those wishing to attend are asked to contact Jamie Lowrey Byrnes or call (515) 223-2600.