EU Pig Prices: Prices Moving Upwards

EU - The European slaughter pig market this week still appears to be friendly and prices are clearly increasing in many EU member countries.
calendar icon 3 December 2013
clock icon 3 minute read

The leading German quotation, which showed a positive trend last week, went up by 6 cents, thus increasing by far more than had been expected by many market participants within the past few days.

This friendly market development going across national boundaries is reflected in the noticeable price increases reported in the Netherlands, Belgium and Austria.

The Danish quotation has gone up in a slightly more moderate way, almost closing in on the level of quotation given by Spain, a leader in the price ranking of the five major pig-keeping EU member countries.

The market situation is less euphoric in southern Europe. The Spanish quotation is moving sidewards, while the French quotation went down a little.

At last, France slides down to rank last behind the Netherlands within the price structure of the five major pig-keeping EU member countries.

Trend for the German market: The German slaughter companies’ demand for live pigs is buzzing even after Friday’s robust price increase. According to the marketers, slaughter pigs can still be placed on short call. Only three weeks are left until Christmas, which should be taken advantage of by producers for marketing their lots. From today’s point of view, prices are expected to stabilise.

Week 42 1.696 1.633 1.724 1.655 1.673 1,769 1.818 2.816 1.826 1.673 1.960 1.622
Week 43 1.696 1.633 1.724 1.655 1.656 1.744 1.797 2.816 1.811 1.673 1.981 1.622
Week 44 1.646 1.576 1.724 1.606 1.651 1.700 1.795 1.753 1.807 1.622 1.988 1.622
Week 45 1.606 1.538 1.670 1.556 1.609 1.636 1.755 2.722 1.714 1.571 2.039 1.622
Week 46 1.606 1.538 1.670 1.556 1.573 1.616 1.662 1.722 1.714 1.571 2.039 1.622
Week 47 1.586 1.538 1.670 1.544 1.575 1.621 1.656 1.722 1.708 1.571 2.044 1.574
Week 48 1.606 1.557 1.670 1.544 1.576 1.886 1.708 1.571 2.052 1.574
Week 49 1.606 1.614 1.697 1.606 1.565 1.886 1.708 1.632 2.056 1.574
Prices in Euros (€)

1corrected quotation: The official Quotations of the different countries are corrected, so that each quotation has the same base (conditions).
base: 56 per cent lean meat; farm-gate-price; 79 per cent killing out percentage, without value-added-tax (VAT)

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