Tips for Livestock Farmers as Weather Turns Harsh

US - When Minnesota's weather turns extreme, the pressure is on for livestock farmers.
calendar icon 29 January 2014
clock icon 2 minute read

Extension's livestock team has the latest in research to help farmers ensure the safety environments, both indoors and outdoors, for their animals.

  • Cold stress in calves can spell trouble. Extension has more on nutrition, stress and overall management of dairy calves here.

  • Wind, snow and cold temperatures impact all cattle. Nutritional needs can provide a particular challenge for cattle owners. Here, Extension educator Mike Boersma outlines how to help cattle overcome environmental stresses.

  • Horses can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. but they have a host of health needs in the colder months. Extension's equine team has comprehensive resources available on water requirements, blanketing, hoof car and more during winter month.

  • For the pork farmers, building safety is paramount. Visit the swine team's resource page for winter building tips on ventilation and more.

  • Lambing season will be here soon. Lambs need an environment with the right mixture of warmth and fresh air at birth so they can thrive in the longer term. Prepare ahead of time with Boersma's tips for creating the right setting for lambing.

Farmers are encouraged to sign up for the e-mail updates from Extension that deliver practical, research-based information on specific animals. More information is available by selecting "Connect with Livestock Extension."

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