Antibiotic Usage Monitoring Spreadsheet for UK Pig Farmers, Vets

UK - A tool to assist producers to comply with Red Tractor Assurance Pig Scheme requirements effective from 1 October 2014 has been made available by Octagon Services.
calendar icon 20 October 2014
clock icon 4 minute read

With Red Tractor Assurance introducing the annual monitoring or antibiotic/ antimicrobial use from 1 October 2014, it was felt that it would be useful to devise a spreadsheet to help farmers and vets meet these requirements, says David G S Burch, BVetMed Dipl.ECPHM FRCVS, of Octagon Services Ltd.

The Red Tractor Antibiotic Usage Pig Scheme Requirements are:

  • Pigs - The VHP (Veterinary Health Plan) to contain an annual collation of total antibiotics used (including in-feed medication) and this use to be reviewed by the vet.
  • Medicine records must provide an annual collation of total antibiotics used, including in-feed antibiotics, for the unit (NEW).
  • Collated data reviewed annually with your vet. If new EU or UK legislation requires this total to be presented in a different format this is also acceptable.


This gives an excellent opportunity for farms to review their usage of antibiotics and also evaluate the cost of medication. This may allow for a cost/benefit analysis to take place and see if savings can be made without losses in production as well as reducing overall use.

Details of injectables and soluble products are readily available from your veterinary surgeon and should be recorded also in your medicines book.

Information on medicated feed should be available on farm from your own feed delivery records, but you can also speak to your feed compounder and ask them for the information and cost of medication.

Data Entry

Mr Burch says he has tried to make the data entry as straight forward as possible. It is primarily geared for all types of producers. A section has been added for home mixers. The spreadsheets should give you the total amount of antibiotic that you have used in the year at the end (Analysis page) for all producers to satisfy current RT requirements.

Further Analysis is also geared up primarily for finishers or breeder/finishers to examine the amount of liveweight produced of finisher pigs or from culled breeding stock compared with antibiotic usage on a mg/kg liveweight and deadweight basis. Breeder/weaner producers, breeder/grower producers and grower producers can also record their antibiotic annual usage data in compliance with current Red Tractor requirements.

An approximate UK guide by average consumption is also included to help you see if you are a low, moderate or high user of antibiotics. No finite limits have been set in the UK yet.

Further Analysis

Further Analysis is also geared up primarily for finishers or breeder/finishers to examine the amount of liveweight produced of finisher pigs or from culled breeding stock compared with antibiotic usage on a mg/kg liveweight and deadweight basis.

Breeder/weaner producers, breeder/grower producers and grower producers can also record their antibiotic annual usage data in compliance with current Red Tractor requirements.

An approximate UK guide by average consumption is also included to help you see if you are a low, moderate or high user of antibiotics. No finite limits have been set in the UK yet.

Antimicrobial Classification

An antimicrobial classification based on the Pig Veterinary Society's 2014 classification is also included for convenience.

These are classed as Class 1 first line use (where possible and practical), Class 2 second line use (where first line use choice fails) and Class 3 third line use or last resort use antibiotics which are considered critical in human medicine.

You can download the spreadsheet from the web site of Octagon Services.

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