COOL Ruling Could Benefit Canadian Genetics Suppliers
CANADA - The general manager of a genetics company has said Canadian swine genetics suppliers have a lot to gain if the recent World Trade Organisation (WTO) ruling on US Mandatory Country of Origin Labelling results in repeal of the legislation.Last month the World Trade Organisation upheld a series of rulings that Mandatory US Country of Origin Labelling violates US international trade obligations.
Yesterday Canada and Mexico announced they'll ask for a special WTO Dispute Settlement Body meeting on 17 June at which time Canada will request authorisation to impose over $3 billion in retaliatory measures against the US, while Mexico will seek authorisation for over $653 million.
Shannon Meyers, the general manager of Fast Genetics, on hand for World Pork Expo, says for the most part we have a general consensus on both sides of the border that this should have happened a long time ago.
Shannon Meyers-Fast Genetics:
First and foremost, you talk to our customers and friends in both Canada and the US, and the general sense even here at World Pork Expo is that's a good decision and I think, as a whole, the industry felt that way.
Any time you get political impediments to doing free market business that's not a good thing so that's the first start.
I think we have, for the most part, a general consensus on both sides of the border, that this is where it ought to have fallen a long time ago.
Then specifically, from a genetics standpoint, I think it opens up other doors.
Any time a free market can trade freely, people don't have to think about where my market pig will be shipped, where my cull sow may be shipped?
Even though if it was a Canadian origin, does that matter?
Those things simply go away, so specifically from a genetics supplier standpoint, that's one more good thing.
Tick that box to say that's not an impediment to business so it'll be viewed as a whole positive but certainly genetics companies, particularly the Canadian genetics companies it'll be viewed as a positive.
Meyers says, any time a free market can trade freely, people won't have to think about where their market pigs or where their cull sow will have to be shipped?
He says those concerns will simply go away.