AHDB: Oriental Adventure for Quality British Meat

UK - Quality meat from Britain will be highlighted in Hong Kong and China this month at the food and hospitality trade shows Hofex and SIAL.
calendar icon 10 May 2017
clock icon 3 minute read

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) will be exhibiting a selection of top quality beef, lamb, pork and processed meats at Hofex, Asia’s leading food and hospitality trade show, which runs until Thursday at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The AHDB pavilion will be using the Food is GREAT branding to prominently fly the flag. This year, the event features more than 2,500 exhibitors from 57 countries – attracting around 50,000 buyers and will include a number of butchery, cookery and PR events to demonstrate the great taste and quality of meat from Britain in the face of fierce international competition.

AHDB Pork will then head to Shanghai for SIAL 2017, China’s largest food innovation exhibition, which runs from 17 – 19 May.

Both events are expected to offer significant opportunities for exporters, with Asia proving to be an essential market for quality meat from Britain. Both events will be supported by 16 meat exporters in total.

AHDB Head of Exports Jean-Pierre Garnier said: "We are thrilled to be attending both of these major trade shows which every year grow in popularity and size, bringing together leading food experts from around the world.

"Hofex and SIAL present excellent opportunities for exporters and ensure that quality British meat is top of mind for buyers.

"In essence, the shows reflect two different objectives: In Hong Kong we will present a very premium meat offer backed by tastings and strong branding; in Shanghai, we will aim to increase the penetration and value of British pork on the Chinese market.

"With Greater China, a major prize in the development of British meat exports, these two shows will offer an opportunity to achieve this goal."

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