Bacon Festival Winners Advance to Canadian Food Championships
CANADA - Three winning chefs from the 2017 Great Saskatchewan Bacon Festival now have the opportunity to advance to the Canadian Food Championships next month in Edmonton, Bruce Cochrane reports.The 2017 Great Saskatchewan Bacon Festival, held Saturday in Kipling, brought together chefs and home cooks to compete for trophies and the opportunity to advance to the Canadian Food Championships 21 to 23 July in Edmonton.
Scott Kearns, the Great Saskatchewan Bacon Festival's Founder of the Feast, explains each of the dishes entered in the competition must feature bacon.
Scott Kearns-Great Saskatchewan Bacon Festival
We had 19 competing recipes, all of excellent quality.
I'll give you an example of our winners.
The Chef Savory Category was Susie Cinns from Emerald Park with Bacon Mushroom Soup.
These are all home made dishes by the way.
Home Cook Savory was a local, Lisa LaRochelle from Kipling.
She made Bacon Croquettes.
Chef Sweet was also Susie Cinns from Emerald Park, Bacon Cinnamon Buns.
Home Cook Sweet was actually P.I.C. Canada with Sesame Bacon.
These are all people's choice votes.
We don't have judges other than the people that are eating the dishes.
If they choose, they can go on to the Canadian Food Championships in Edmonton and compete there.
If they place in the top five there, they can go on to the World's which is in the southern United States this year.
Mr Kearns says money raised through the sale of tickets to the event will go toward community based youth projects.
He says some of the funds will be going to the community's swimming pool and youth centre and possibly a skate park and a splash park that are being contemplated.