Local Impact of New Rules Governing Veterinary Antimicrobials Still Unclear
CANADA - The President of Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians says the local impact of new rules governing the use of antimicrobials in livestock production will become more clear once they're incorporated into provincial legislation, reports Bruce Cochrane.To reduce the risk of antimicrobial resistance the federal government has unveiled new rules for veterinary drugs.
Medically important antimicrobials used in veterinary medicine will become prescription only and regulations governing imported active pharmaceutical ingredients and products imported for own use on farms have been tightened.
Dr Blaine Tully, the President of the Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians and a partner with Swine Health Professionals in Steinbach, says the federal regulations will now need to be incorporate into provincial legislation.
Dr Blaine Tully-Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians
The Canada Gazette Part 2 was just released that outlines some of the amendments to the Food and Drug Regulations so it really becomes a multi layered cake and many levels need to be sorted through.
We have that document from the Public Health Agency of Canada and now provincial licensing bodies for veterinarians and regulators in each province will need to take the federal requirements and apply them at the provincial level.
That's ultimately where the rubber hits the road and what those changes will look like exactly is yet to be determined as well as the time lines for those changes to happen.
It really is somewhat unclear at this point exactly what we're going to be looking at for changes necessary at the local level.
Dr Tully says what Manitoba decides from the regulatory side on how the Health Canada requirements get implemented provincially could be different than other regions but holding similar principles and values toward improving veterinary oversight of antimicrobial use.