NPPC Commends Commerce Secretary for NAFTA Sugar Deal with Mexico
US - A major trade crisis between the US and Mexico has been averted after a preliminary agreement was reached earlier this week (6 June). The agreement has helped to ward off steep taxes on Mexican sugar imports.In response to this new agreement, National Pork Producers' Council (NPPC) President Ken Maschoff issued a statement saying, "America’s pork producers congratulate Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and his team for negotiating a sugar deal in principle with Mexico that works for both sides. The last thing we need going into the NAFTA modernization talks is a black cloud hanging over the discussions.
"Pork producers are all-in on modernizing NAFTA. While the deal has been a runaway success for pork producers, they recognize that some groups have voiced concerns. Pork producers are hopeful that any such concerns can be addressed, without jeopardizing the important benefits that they and many other sectors continue to reap thanks to NAFTA.
"Canada and Mexico represent 36 per cent of our global pork exports and more than 15 per cent of our total pork production. According to Iowa State University economist Dermot Hayes, US pork exports to Mexico have created more than 9,000 US jobs. But Hayes calculates that if NAFTA were terminated, the US pork industry would lose the entire Mexican market.
"That undoubtedly would be the case for many other US products. So, the importance of Mexico and the United States reaching agreement on sugar cannot be overstated and hopefully is a harbinger of a successful NAFTA modernization."