Swine Innovation Porc Prepared for Next Ag Policy Framework

CANADA - The Chair of Swine Innovation Porc says Canada's pork industry is well positioned to move forward with research when Canada's next Agricultural Policy Framework kicks in next March, reports Bruce Cochrane.
calendar icon 27 July 2017
clock icon 3 minute read

Canada's Ministers of Agriculture agreed to the key elements of a new federal, provincial, territorial agricultural policy framework during their Annual Meeting last week in St. John's.

Stewart Cressman, the Chair of Swine Innovation Porc, says indications are that funding for research under the new initiative will be similar to what was made available under the current programme although support ratios and other details have yet to be announced.

Stewart Cressman-Swine Innovation Porc

I think, first of all we have to have the formal announcement of the programme, the specific rules around how we write a request for funding to the federal government, what are the cost share ratios.

The last time we put 25 cents up and the federal government responded with 75 cents and we're not sure what the cost share ratio will be on a go forward basis.

That's one of the areas that has yet to be determined.

One of the things that Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has done is allowed us to submit the research proposals that we have reviewed.

Those were submitted to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for comment in early July so that, once the programme is announced and we do the final submission, we have some of their comments on what we proposed currently and we can adapt it to the form that they're looking for once the rules are announced.

They then have reduced time to evaluate because they've done a first look at the research projects already.

Mr Cressman says this was something that was extended to all of the commodities as a way of reducing any gap between the time of the old programme ending and the new programme beginning.

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