US Beef, Pork Popular Attractions at Food and Hotel Viet Nam
VIET NAM - Continuing its work to distinguish US red meat from competitors’ products in the ASEAN region, USMEF handed out samples of US beef and pork at Food and Hotel Viet Nam, one of the region’s largest and most comprehensive hospitality industry trade shows.With funding from the USDA Market Access Programme (MAP), the Beef Checkoff Programme and the Pork Checkoff, USMEF also sponsored a cooking competition for young chefs and hosted a reception for local food traders.

Held in Ho Chi Minh City, this year’s Food and Hotel Viet Nam attracted 514 exhibitors and 13,000 visitors, showcasing food products, beverages, foodservice and kitchen equipment and hotel amenities.
"The US pavilion included a wide range of products, but red meat was very popular with the food industry people who stopped to learn more," said Sabrina Yin, USMEF director in the ASEAN region.
"We had custom-designed images with our display this year highlighting corn-fed US red meat and red meat products. This drew attention from potential customers who had tasted US beef and pork and wanted to know more about their availability."
US beef items on display included US beef short plate, chuck roll, knuckle, flat, shoulder clod and eye of round. US pork items featured were cushion meat, CT butt, sausages and franks.
Consul General Mary Tarnowka of the US Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City was the guest of honor. Mark Dries, counselor with the USDA Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS) in Viet Nam, and Gerald Smith, FAS senior agricultural attaché in Viet Nam, opened the event with a ceremony at the US pavilion.

US Beef Culinary Challenge
USMEF sponsored the US Beef category at the seventh edition of the Viet Nam Culinary Challenge. The competition obliged 18 young chefs from various hotels and restaurants in Viet Nam to come up with the best US beef dish.
Ground chuck roll was the cut chosen for the competition.
"US beef ground chuck roll was selected because of its versatility, its potential for use in a variety of dishes," said Ms Yin. "The Culinary Challenge, a world class cooking competition, gave excellent exposure to US beef."

US Food Showcase Reception
The US Food Showcase Reception hosted by USMEF at Food and Hotel Viet Nam was specifically organized for local traders who were not able to attend the trade show.
It was held at the Intercontinental Hotel with about 300 guests attending.
Barbecued US beef short ribs and roasted US pork loin were served.
US red meat charts and related printed materials gave the traders information about US beef and pork.