Netherlands Livestock and Product Opportunities on the EU Market

By USDA Foreign Agricultural Service. With a total domestic consumption of 21 million MT in 2007 (see Table III), the EU is the biggest pork market in the world after China.
calendar icon 18 January 2008
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EU Pork Trade


Background on EU Pork Imports

Similar to beef and poultry imports, the EU regulates its pork imports through quotas (see Table IV). Due to these restrictive quotas and high tariffs, EU pork imports are still limited. The enlargement had also a significant effect on EU pork imports (see graph below).

Anticipated EU Pork Imports

The EC forecasts that EU pork imports will stabilize at 38,000 MT until 2013. During 2007, increased imports are reported from Chile, the United States and Australia. U.S. pork exports to the EU are increasing strongly as they benefit from a high Euro/USD exchange rate and simplified EU quota administration rules. The paradox is that these increased exports occur in an EU pork oversupply situation.

EU Pork Exports

The EU pork sector faces higher feed prices, lower export refunds and a high Euro/USD exchange rate. The EC expects, however, that EU pork exports will continue to play an important role on the world market, with about 1,200,000 MT in 2013.

Currently, about fifty percent of EU pork exports are shipped to Asian destinations with Japan as the main market. EU exports hold about a third of the Japanese pork imports, with the United States and Canada as the main competitors. Russia represents about twenty percent of the export market for pork. EU pork exports experience, however, strong competition, in particular on the Asian market. In response, EU slaughterers are increasingly focusing on the domestic market. In order to support EU pork exports, the EC just recently increased export refunds for pork.

Further Reading

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December 2007
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