UK Pig Disease Quarterly Surveillance Report - November 2004
By Veterinary Laboratories Agency - This report monitors trends in the major endemic pig diseases and utilises the farmfile and VIDA (Veterinary Investigation Disease Analysis) databases. The report is compiled using disease data gathered by the network of 15 VLA regional laboratories which carry out disease investigation in the field.
Highlights: Third Quarter 2004
The June census recorded a rise in the number of maiden gilts – possible early evidence of stabilisation of the breeding herd next year after years of decline?
Salmonella enterica Typhimurium remains the most common serovar in pigs. This year U288 has become the most frequently isolated type of Typhimurium in pigs.
Indications are that the majority of herds now only experience occasional ‘flare-ups’ of PMWS and PDNS. Nevertheless, a very few herds are experiencing the diseases for the first time, and a few others continue to have significant ongoing disease.
Respiratory diseases represent a major cause of losses in pigs but diagnoses this year are less than the increased frequency recorded in 2003. There is little evidence of significant influenza virus involvement in the national herd and no evidence of new strains of the virus in pigs. Nevertheless, an incident of severe respiratory disease attributed to a previously unrecorded variant of PRRSV was encountered.
Only a very few reports of severe reproductive losses were reported by the end of September.
The Meat and Livestock Commission
(, Pig
Market Outlook: 04/4 October 2004,
provides a recent overview of the pig
sector. Despite a further three percent
reduction in UK sow numbers at the June
2004 census, there was a six percent
increase in maiden gilts compared with
the year before. This suggests that the
breeding herd may stabilise over the
winter and that the long-term fall in pig
numbers may cease.
Pig prices declined
during the quarter to a low of 99.3p/kg dw
(GB Deadweight Average Pig Price:
DAPP) in mid-September, with a
subsequent slight improvement. Prices
are currently lower than the EU average
price. Given the relative short supply of pig meat in Europe this could reduce
imports of pork into the UK.
There was a reported small improvement
in sow productivity but there is scope for
major improvements. The poorer
average quality of the home cereal crop
this year – due to exceptionally high
rainfall in August – has resulted in a
greater supply of feed wheat with
expected lower feed costs next year.
To read the full 7 page pdf report please Click Here
Source: Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA) - November 2004