USDA Hog Outlook Report - December 2000

USDA Hogs and Pigs Report, December 2000. Information and Commentary all together in one "point of reference" document. Catch all the data plus what it all means as expressed the the various industry "commentators and news makers".
calendar icon 29 December 2000
clock icon 40 minute read


This document aims to pull together, in one place of reference, all the various information generated by the USDA Quarterly report. This document includes: USDA Quarterly report
What it all means
Graphs, tables and statistical data from the report
For a PRINTABLE VERSION of the full report in PDF format Click Here


U.S. Hog Inventory Up 1 Percent

U.S. inventory of all hogs and pigs on December 1, 2000, was 59.8 million head. This was 1 percent above December 1999, but slightly below September 1, 2000.

Breeding inventory, at 6.28 million head, was up 1 percent from December 1, 1999, and up slightly from September 1, 2000. Market hog inventory, at 53.6 million head, was 1 percent above last year, but slightly below last quarter.

The September-November 2000 U.S. pig crop, at 25.5 million head, was 2 percent more than 1999, but 1 percent less than 1998. Sows farrowing during this period totaled 2.88 million head, 1 percent above last year. The sows farrowed during this quarter represented 46 percent of the breeding herd. The average pigs per litter was 8.88 pigs saved per litter for the September-November period, compared to 8.78 pigs last year. Pigs saved per litter by size of operation ranged from 7.60 for operations with 1-99 hogs to 9.00 for operations with more than 5,000 hogs and pigs.

U.S. hog producers intend to have 2.91 million sows farrow during the December 2000-February 2001 quarter, 4 percent above the actual farrowings during the same period in 2000, and 1 percent above 1999. Intended farrowings for March-May 2001, at 2.92 million sows, are 1 percent above the same period in 2000 but down 2 percent from 1999.

The number of hog operations with hogs totaled 85,760 during 2000, down 13 percent from last year and 25 percent below 1998. Places with 2,000 or more hogs on hand accounted for 8 percent of the operations and 72 percent of the inventory. This is the fifth time operations with inventories over 2,000 head have controlled over 50 percent of the total inventory. The number of operations with over 5,000 head of inventory at, 2,095, accounted for 50.5 percent of the total inventory, up from 46.5 percent a year ago. The total number of hogs under contract, owned by these over 5,000 head operations, but raised by contractees, accounted for 30 percent of the total U.S. hog inventory, down from 32 percent last year.


All inventory and pig crop estimates for March 1999 through September 2000 were reviewed using final pig crop, official slaughter, import, and export data in U.S. level balance sheets. Based on the findings of this review, small adjustments of less than one half percent were made to the inventory level for December 1, 1999; March 1, 2000; June 1, 2000; and September 1, 2000. Small adjustments of less than one half percent were also made to the March-May 1999, June-August 1999, September-November 1999, and June-August 2000 pig crops, and less than one percent to the March-May 2000 pig crop.

Special Note

Included in this issue, is a new U.S. table with monthly estimates of sow and gilt inventory, and the number of sows and gilts bred (page 20). This data along with monthly farrowing and pig crop estimates, will be included in each Quarterly Hogs and Pigs release, and beginning in January 2001, in the new Monthly Hogs and Pigs release.


What the commentators and industry thinkers read into this data (note most of these articles are also accessible individually in the news section):

Hog farmers to cut pork production, dodge losses (The Des Moines Register. 29th Dec. 2000)
Hog farmers will produce less pork next year than had been feared, with profits expected to fall to a break-even level by the fourth quarter, an expert said Thursday.

2001 good year for eating high on the hog (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. 28th Dec. 2000)
Hog farmers "made money this year and they had cheap feed," said Joe Kropf, an analyst with Kropf & Love Consulting in Overland Park, Kan. "That's been their incentive to expand."

Pork Producer Operation Profile Very Revealing (AgWeb, 28th Dec. 2000)
Buried near the end of the December 28, 2000 USDA quarterly Hogs & Pigs Report is a rare accounting of just who are producers, their size, and what they account for on the national scene.

Hog Data Called Neutral to Slightly Bearish (BridgeNews, Inc. 28th Dec. 2000)
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. traders called Thursday's U.S. Department of Agriculture quarterly hogs and pigs inventory report neutral to slightly bearish for futures.

Fattening hog industry may face glut as cheap feed boosts supply (BridgeNews, Inc. 28th Dec. 2000)
Thursday's U.S. Department of Agriculture quarterly hogs and pigs report is expected to show the nation's hog industry is finally beginning to grow in reaction to cheap grain and profitable returns on investment in 2000.


 Hogs and Pigs: Inventory Number by Class, Weight Group,
 and Quarter, United States, 1998-2000 1/
 : : : :2000 as % of
 Item : 1998 : 1999 : 2000 :-------------
 : : : : 1998 : 1999
 : ----------- 1,000 Head ----------- Percent
March 1 Inventory :
 All Hogs and Pigs : 60,163 60,191 57,782 96 96
 Kept for Breeding : 6,942 6,527 6,190 89 95
 Market : 53,220 53,663 51,593 97 96
 Market Hogs and Pigs :
 by Weight Groups :
 Under 60 Pounds : 20,192 19,978 19,217 95 96
 60-119 Pounds : 12,791 12,899 12,409 97 96
 120-179 Pounds : 10,774 10,995 10,552 98 96
 180 Pounds and Over : 9,464 9,792 9,414 99 96
June 1 Inventory :
 All Hogs and Pigs : 62,213 60,896 59,137 95 97
 Kept for Breeding : 6,958 6,515 6,234 90 96
 Market : 55,254 54,380 52,904 96 97
 Market Hogs and Pigs :
 by Weight Groups :
 Under 60 Pounds : 21,482 20,532 19,907 93 97
 60-119 Pounds : 13,711 13,501 13,247 97 98
 120-179 Pounds : 11,084 11,076 10,720 97 97
 180 Pounds and Over : 8,978 9,272 9,029 101 97
September 1 Inventory :
 All Hogs and Pigs : 63,488 60,776 60,065 95 99
 Kept for Breeding : 6,875 6,301 6,246 91 99
 Market : 56,612 54,474 53,820 95 99
 Market Hogs and Pigs :
 by Weight Groups :
 Under 60 Pounds : 21,189 20,243 20,030 95 99
 60-119 Pounds : 14,032 13,414 13,315 95 99
 120-179 Pounds : 11,555 11,129 10,982 95 99
 180 Pounds and Over : 9,837 9,689 9,492 96 98
December 1 Inventory :
 All Hogs and Pigs : 62,206 59,342 59,848 96 101
 Kept for Breeding : 6,682 6,234 6,275 94 101
 Market : 55,523 53,109 53,573 96 101
 Market Hogs and Pigs :
 by Weight Groups :
 Under 60 Pounds : 20,140 19,241 19,566 97 102
 60-119 Pounds : 13,631 13,107 13,333 98 102
 120-179 Pounds : 11,585 11,073 11,051 95 100
 180 Pounds and Over : 10,168 9,687 9,624 95 99
1/ May not add due to rounding.

 Farrowings: Number of Sows, Pig Crop, and Pigs per Litter,
 United States, 1998-2001 1/
 : : : : : 2000 as % of :2001 as
 Item : 1998 : 1999 : 2000 : 2001 :---------------:Percent
 : : : : : 1998 : 1999 :of 2000
 : ------------ 1,000 Head ------------ ----- Percent -----
Sows Farrowing :
 Dec-Feb 2/ 3/ : 2,929 2,891 2,798 2,906 96 97 104
 Mar-May 3/ : 3,086 2,986 2,890 2,918 94 97 101
 Dec-May 2/ 3/ : 6,014 5,877 5,688 5,825 95 97 102
 Jun-Aug : 3,054 2,920 2,899 95 99
 Sep-Nov : 2,993 2,844 2,875 96 101
 Jun-Nov : 6,047 5,764 5,774 95 100
Pig Crop :
 Dec-Feb 2/ : 25,480 25,247 24,522 96 97
 Mar-May : 26,989 26,272 25,610 95 97
 Dec-May 2/ : 52,469 51,519 50,132 96 97
 Jun-Aug : 26,634 25,862 25,686 96 99
 Sep-Nov : 25,902 24,973 25,536 99 102
 Jun-Nov : 52,535 50,835 51,222 98 101
 : ------------- Number ------------- ----- Percent -----
Pigs per Litter :
 Dec-Feb 2/ : 8.70 8.73 8.76 101 100
 Mar-May : 8.75 8.80 8.86 101 101
 Dec-May 2/ : 8.72 8.77 8.81 101 101
 Jun-Aug : 8.72 8.86 8.86 102 100
 Sep-Nov : 8.66 8.78 8.88 103 101
 Jun-Nov : 8.69 8.82 8.87 102 101
1/ May not add due to rounding.
2/ December preceding year.
3/ Intentions for 2001.

 Pigs per Litter: By Size of Operation, United States, 1999-2000
 : Pigs per Litter on Operations Having
 Pig Crop : 1-99 : 100-499 : 500-999 :1,000-1,999:2,000-4,999: 5,000+
 : Head : Head : Head : Head : Head : Head
 : Number
1999 :
Dec-Feb 1/ : 7.60 8.10 8.20 8.40 8.70 8.90
Mar-May : 7.80 8.10 8.30 8.70 8.70 9.00
Jun-Aug : 7.80 7.90 8.30 8.50 8.90 9.00
Sep-Nov : 7.40 8.40 8.40 8.70 8.80 8.90
2000 :
Dec-Feb 1/ : 7.50 7.90 8.20 8.50 8.70 8.90
Mar-May : 7.80 7.90 8.30 8.60 8.80 9.00
Jun-Aug : 7.40 7.90 8.30 8.60 8.80 9.00
Sep-Nov : 7.60 8.20 8.40 8.80 8.80 9.00
1/ December preceding year.

 Hogs and Pigs: Breeding, Market, and Total Inventory
 by State and United States, December 1, 1999-2000 1/
 : Breeding : Market : Total
 : : 2000 : : 2000 : : 2000
 State : :---------------: :---------------: :---------------
 : 1999 : :as % of: 1999 : :as % of: 1999 : :as % of
 : :Number : 1999 : :Number : 1999 : :Number : 1999
 : 1,000 Head Percent 1,000 Head Percent 1,000 Head Percent
AL : 15 15 100 160 150 94 175 165 94
AK : 0.3 0.2 67 1.1 0.6 55 1.4 0.8 57
AZ : 19 2 11 121 7 6 140 9 6
AR : 110 110 100 600 575 96 710 685 96
CA : 25 20 80 165 130 79 190 150 79
CO : 210 190 90 700 650 93 910 840 92
CT : 0.9 0.9 100 2.6 3.1 119 3.5 4.0 114
DE : 5 5 100 22 24 109 27 29 107
FL : 7 8 114 33 32 97 40 40 100
GA : 60 55 92 420 325 77 480 380 79
HI : 5 5 100 23 21 91 28 26 93
ID : 4 4 100 18 20 111 22 24 109
IL : 420 450 107 3,630 3,750 103 4,050 4,200 104
IN : 370 380 103 2,880 3,020 105 3,250 3,400 105
IA : 1,160 1,120 97 14,240 14,280 100 15,400 15,400 100
KS : 150 160 107 1,310 1,410 108 1,460 1,570 108
KY : 55 50 91 405 380 94 460 430 93
LA : 4 3 75 25 26 104 29 29 100
ME : 1.5 1.5 100 5.5 5.0 91 7.0 6.5 93
MD : 6 7 117 49 51 104 55 58 105
MA : 3.0 3.0 100 17.0 17.0 100 20.0 20.0 100
MI : 120 110 92 860 840 98 980 950 97
MN : 560 600 107 4,940 5,200 105 5,500 5,800 105
MS : 26 28 108 254 287 113 280 315 113
MO : 410 380 93 2,740 2,520 92 3,150 2,900 92
MT : 17 18 106 138 137 99 155 155 100
NE : 380 360 95 2,620 2,740 105 3,000 3,100 103
NV : 1.0 1.0 100 6.5 6.5 100 7.5 7.5 100
NH : 0.8 0.9 113 2.7 3.1 115 3.5 4.0 114
NJ : 2.0 2.0 100 13.0 12.0 92 15.0 14.0 93
NM : 1.2 0.6 50 4.8 2.4 50 6.0 3.0 50
NY : 6 10 167 34 70 206 40 80 200
NC : 1,000 1,000 100 8,500 8,400 99 9,500 9,400 99
ND : 25 27 108 165 158 96 190 185 97
OH : 170 170 100 1,310 1,340 102 1,480 1,510 102
OK : 310 340 110 1,950 2,000 103 2,260 2,340 104
OR : 5 6 120 25 26 104 30 32 107
PA : 120 120 100 930 920 99 1,050 1,040 99
RI : 0.5 0.7 140 2.0 2.3 115 2.5 3.0 120
SC : 25 25 100 220 265 120 245 290 118
SD : 120 140 117 1,140 1,220 107 1,260 1,360 108
TN : 30 35 117 220 195 89 250 230 92
TX : 80 85 106 790 835 106 870 920 106
UT : 70 80 114 450 470 104 520 550 106
VT : 0.6 0.7 117 2.4 2.3 96 3.0 3.0 100
VA : 34 35 103 336 390 116 370 425 115
WA : 4 4 100 26 23 88 30 27 90
WV : 2 2 100 10 8 80 12 10 83
WI : 65 75 115 505 545 108 570 620 109
WY : 18 29 161 87 79 91 105 108 103
US : 6,234 6,275 101 53,109 53,573 101 59,342 59,848 101
1/ May not add due to rounding.

 Market Hogs and Pigs: Inventory Number by Weight Group,
 State, and United States, December 1, 1999-2000 1/
 : Under : 60-119 : 120-179 : 180 Lbs.
 : 60 Lbs. : Lbs. : Lbs. : and Over
 State :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000
 : 1,000 Head
AL : 51 54 38 34 35 31 36 31
AK : 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1
AZ : 47 4 25 1 24 1 25 1
AR : 210 210 140 135 140 125 110 105
CA : 55 32 50 43 35 45 25 10
CO : 350 370 115 80 110 85 125 115
CT : 0.8 1.1 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7
DE : 5 10 5 7 5 3 7 4
FL : 17 18 9 8 4 4 3 2
GA : 160 120 110 90 80 60 70 55
HI : 9 10 7 6 4 3 3 2
ID : 7 7 5 5 3 4 3 4
IL : 1,270 1,360 900 930 800 810 660 650
IN : 1,090 1,140 740 750 580 600 470 530
IA : 4,360 4,410 3,770 3,950 3,210 3,170 2,900 2,750
KS : 520 495 310 310 230 235 250 370
KY : 155 130 115 95 70 85 65 70
LA : 9 9 7 8 4 5 5 4
ME : 3.5 3.0 1.0 1.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4
MD : 13 11 12 11 11 13 13 16
MA : 6.0 6.5 5.0 5.0 3.7 3.4 2.3 2.1
MI : 330 320 205 200 170 170 155 150
MN : 1,940 2,100 1,190 1,280 1,030 1,050 780 770
MS : 45 55 71 85 70 77 68 70
MO : 1,140 1,010 770 680 520 510 310 320
MT : 55 51 35 34 26 30 22 22
NE : 990 1,020 650 710 550 550 430 460
NV : 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5
NH : 0.5 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6
NJ : 3.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 5.0
NM : 1.6 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.3 0.2 1.7 0.2
NY : 9 28 9 15 8 15 8 12
NC : 3,350 3,400 1,950 1,900 1,750 1,700 1,450 1,400
ND : 64 60 39 40 35 31 27 27
OH : 530 550 320 330 285 280 175 180
OK : 820 880 310 370 270 260 550 490
OR : 8 9 7 7 5 4 5 6
PA : 330 335 250 240 195 190 155 155
RI : 1.0 1.1 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.2
SC : 57 75 62 70 55 60 46 60
SD : 370 430 290 310 270 275 210 205
TN : 70 70 60 50 40 40 50 35
TX : 280 215 190 175 160 200 160 245
UT : 180 190 85 110 75 100 110 70
VT : 0.8 1.1 1.0 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4
VA : 114 125 79 92 74 88 69 85
WA : 9 8 7 6 5 5 5 4
WV : 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 3
WI : 165 190 135 135 105 110 100 110
WY : 36 34 17 15 17 15 17 15
US : 19,241 19,566 13,107 13,333 11,073 11,051 9,687 9,624
1/ Weight groups may not add to Market due to rounding.

 Hogs and Pigs: Breeding, Market, and Total Inventory
 by State and United States, March 1, 1999-2000 1/
 : Breeding : Market : Total
 : : 2000 : : 2000 : : 2000
 State : :---------------: :---------------: :---------------
 : 1999 : :as % of: 1999 : :as % of: 1999 : :as % of
 : :Number : 1999 : :Number : 1999 : :Number : 1999
 : 1,000 Head Percent 1,000 Head Percent 1,000 Head Percent
AR : 110 110 100 625 580 93 735 690 94
CO : 190 205 108 650 645 99 840 850 101
IL : 470 430 91 3,930 3,620 92 4,400 4,050 92
IN : 420 350 83 3,430 2,800 82 3,850 3,150 82
IA : 1,220 1,160 95 13,580 13,640 100 14,800 14,800 100
KS : 165 145 88 1,365 1,255 92 1,530 1,400 92
MI : 110 120 109 880 840 95 990 960 97
MN : 590 570 97 5,010 4,830 96 5,600 5,400 96
MO : 400 380 95 2,700 2,620 97 3,100 3,000 97
NE : 420 380 90 2,880 2,620 91 3,300 3,000 91
NC : 1,000 1,000 100 8,500 8,400 99 9,500 9,400 99
OH : 195 160 82 1,455 1,270 87 1,650 1,430 87
OK : 290 310 107 1,760 1,880 107 2,050 2,190 107
PA : 120 120 100 980 870 89 1,100 990 90
SD : 130 125 96 1,190 1,105 93 1,320 1,230 93
TX : 90 80 89 670 780 116 760 860 113
WI : 85 65 76 585 505 86 670 570 85
Oth :
 Sts 2/ : 522 480 92 3,473 3,333 96 3,996 3,812 95
US : 6,527 6,190 95 53,663 51,593 96 60,191 57,782 96
1/ May not add due to rounding.
2/ Individual State estimates not available for the 33 other States.

 Market Hogs and Pigs: Inventory Number by Weight Group,
 State, and United States, March 1, 1999-2000 1/
 : Under : 60-119 : 120-179 : 180 Lbs.
 : 60 Lbs. : Lbs. : Lbs. : and Over
 State :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000
 : 1,000 Head
AR : 220 220 155 135 135 125 115 100
CO : 335 370 105 90 100 90 110 95
IL : 1,410 1,260 900 880 880 820 740 660
IN : 1,330 1,100 790 650 710 550 600 500
IA : 4,380 4,310 3,480 3,590 2,970 2,970 2,750 2,770
KS : 515 510 280 245 255 230 315 270
MI : 280 295 225 215 190 170 185 160
MN : 1,960 1,910 1,230 1,150 990 960 830 810
MO : 1,130 1,140 720 680 510 510 340 290
NE : 1,140 1,030 750 630 550 550 440 410
NC : 3,400 3,400 1,950 1,950 1,750 1,650 1,400 1,400
OH : 580 535 355 290 310 270 210 175
OK : 770 840 300 300 240 250 450 490
PA : 340 325 250 225 210 180 180 140
SD : 410 370 310 280 240 250 230 205
TX : 295 245 135 165 110 170 130 200
WI : 210 195 135 110 130 100 110 100
Oth :
 Sts 2/ : 1,273 1,162 829 824 715 707 657 639
US : 19,978 19,217 12,899 12,409 10,995 10,552 9,792 9,414
1/ Weight groups may not add to Market due to rounding.
2/ Individual State estimates not available for the 33 other States.

 Hogs and Pigs: Breeding, Market, and Total Inventory
 by State and United States, June 1, 1999-2000 1/
 : Breeding : Market : Total
 : : 2000 : : 2000 : : 2000
 State : :---------------: :---------------: :---------------
 : 1999 : :as % of: 1999 : :as % of: 1999 : :as % of
 : :Number : 1999 : :Number : 1999 : :Number : 1999
 : 1,000 Head Percent 1,000 Head Percent 1,000 Head Percent
AR : 110 110 100 615 580 94 725 690 95
CO : 200 210 105 700 680 97 900 890 99
IL : 460 430 93 3,890 3,720 96 4,350 4,150 95
IN : 410 350 85 3,190 2,900 91 3,600 3,250 90
IA : 1,200 1,160 97 14,300 14,240 100 15,500 15,400 99
KS : 160 150 94 1,360 1,240 91 1,520 1,390 91
MI : 120 110 92 980 880 90 1,100 990 90
MN : 600 580 97 5,000 5,120 102 5,600 5,700 102
MO : 410 380 93 2,790 2,620 94 3,200 3,000 94
NE : 410 370 90 2,790 2,530 91 3,200 2,900 91
NC : 1,000 1,000 100 8,500 8,600 101 9,500 9,600 101
OH : 200 160 80 1,450 1,240 86 1,650 1,400 85
OK : 310 340 110 1,870 1,950 104 2,180 2,290 105
PA : 125 125 100 965 925 96 1,090 1,050 96
SD : 130 125 96 1,200 1,105 92 1,330 1,230 92
TX : 85 85 100 685 785 115 770 870 113
WI : 80 65 81 580 515 89 660 580 88
Oth :
 Sts 2/ : 505 484 96 3,515 3,274 93 4,021 3,757 93
US : 6,515 6,234 96 54,380 52,904 97 60,896 59,137 97
1/ May not add due to rounding.
2/ Individual State estimates not available for the 33 other States.

 Market Hogs and Pigs: Inventory Number by Weight Group,
 State, and United States, June 1, 1999-2000 1/
 : Under : 60-119 : 120-179 : 180 Lbs.
 : 60 Lbs. : Lbs. : Lbs. : and Over
 State :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000
 : 1,000 Head
AR : 220 210 150 135 135 130 110 105
CO : 360 390 115 90 115 90 110 110
IL : 1,460 1,360 950 920 840 820 640 620
IN : 1,230 1,140 810 670 650 570 500 520
IA : 4,550 4,480 3,950 4,060 3,050 3,080 2,750 2,620
KS : 555 500 290 245 255 235 260 260
MI : 430 390 220 200 200 160 130 130
MN : 2,000 2,060 1,200 1,250 980 1,020 820 790
MO : 1,240 1,150 730 660 520 510 300 300
NE : 1,130 1,010 720 640 540 500 400 380
NC : 3,400 3,500 2,000 2,000 1,750 1,700 1,350 1,400
OH : 590 520 375 290 305 270 180 160
OK : 790 840 360 400 270 240 450 470
PA : 360 340 250 250 195 195 160 140
SD : 430 390 280 310 270 240 220 165
TX : 250 230 135 200 140 160 160 195
WI : 215 195 130 120 130 110 105 90
Oth :
 Sts 2/ : 1,322 1,202 836 807 731 690 627 574
US : 20,532 19,907 13,501 13,247 11,076 10,720 9,272 9,029
1/ Weight groups may not add to Market due to rounding.
2/ Individual State estimates not available for the 33 other States.

 Hogs and Pigs: Breeding, Market, and Total Inventory
 by State and United States, September 1, 1999-2000 1/
 : Breeding : Market : Total
 : : 2000 : : 2000 : : 2000
 State : :---------------: :---------------: :---------------
 : 1999 : :as % of: 1999 : :as % of: 1999 : :as % of
 : :Number : 1999 : :Number : 1999 : :Number : 1999
 : 1,000 Head Percent 1,000 Head Percent 1,000 Head Percent
AR : 110 105 95 610 575 94 720 680 94
CO : 200 205 103 750 685 91 950 890 94
IL : 430 420 98 3,770 3,680 98 4,200 4,100 98
IN : 400 360 90 3,150 2,940 93 3,550 3,300 93
IA : 1,150 1,160 101 14,450 14,340 99 15,600 15,500 99
KS : 155 155 100 1,325 1,405 106 1,480 1,560 105
MI : 110 110 100 920 910 99 1,030 1,020 99
MN : 590 580 98 4,910 5,120 104 5,500 5,700 104
MO : 390 380 97 2,710 2,620 97 3,100 3,000 97
NE : 360 380 106 2,590 2,670 103 2,950 3,050 103
NC : 1,000 1,000 100 8,900 8,800 99 9,900 9,800 99
OH : 190 160 84 1,400 1,260 90 1,590 1,420 89
OK : 330 340 103 2,000 2,010 101 2,330 2,350 101
PA : 115 115 100 935 925 99 1,050 1,040 99
SD : 125 130 104 1,245 1,150 92 1,370 1,280 93
TX : 80 85 106 740 865 117 820 950 116
WI : 75 65 87 525 525 100 600 590 98
Oth :
 Sts 2/ : 491 496 101 3,544 3,340 94 4,036 3,835 95
US : 6,301 6,246 99 54,474 53,820 99 60,776 60,065 99
1/ May not add due to rounding.
2/ Individual State estimates not available for the 33 other States.

 Market Hogs and Pigs: Inventory Number by Weight Group,
 State, and United States, September 1, 1999-2000 1/
 : Under : 60-119 : 120-179 : 180 Lbs.
 : 60 Lbs. : Lbs. : Lbs. : and Over
 State :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000
 : 1,000 Head
AR : 225 215 140 135 135 125 110 100
CO : 405 400 125 80 110 80 110 125
IL : 1,390 1,290 930 910 820 830 630 650
IN : 1,240 1,140 760 710 620 570 530 520
IA : 4,660 4,470 3,940 3,950 3,100 3,190 2,750 2,730
KS : 555 540 260 295 230 265 280 305
MI : 310 350 260 240 190 180 160 140
MN : 1,960 2,090 1,180 1,260 970 980 800 790
MO : 1,110 1,120 720 690 530 520 350 290
NE : 1,070 1,130 600 670 520 490 400 380
NC : 3,400 3,400 2,100 2,100 1,850 1,800 1,550 1,500
OH : 580 550 350 285 290 255 180 170
OK : 830 930 370 330 300 250 500 500
PA : 330 340 240 245 200 190 165 150
SD : 415 420 320 290 285 255 225 185
TX : 270 250 155 180 130 185 185 250
WI : 215 195 115 120 100 110 95 100
Oth :
 Sts 2/ : 1,278 1,200 849 825 749 707 669 607
US : 20,243 20,030 13,414 13,315 11,129 10,982 9,689 9,492
1/ Weight groups may not add to Market due to rounding.
2/ Individual State estimates not available for the 33 other States.

 Annual Farrowings: Number of Sows, Pigs per Litter, and Pig Crop
 by State and United States, December-November 1999-2000 1/ 2/
 : Sows Farrowing : : Pig Crop
 :--------------------------: Pigs :--------------------------
 : : 2000 : Per Litter : : 2000
 State : :-----------------------------------: :-----------------
 : 1999 : :as % of : : : 1999 : :as % of
 : : Number : 1999 : 1999 : 2000 : : Number : 1999
 : 1,000 Head Percent --- Number -- -- 1,000 Head -- Percent
AL : 33.0 29.0 88 8.09 8.41 267.0 244.0 91
AK : 0.40 0.23 58 7.25 6.96 2.90 1.60 55
AZ : 30.0 25.0 83 9.03 9.00 271.0 225.0 83
AR : 223 222 100 8.48 8.89 1,891 1,974 104
CA : 43.0 40.0 93 9.28 9.28 399.0 371.0 93
CO : 332 350 105 8.43 8.45 2,800 2,957 106
CT : 1.00 1.10 110 8.20 8.10 8.20 8.91 109
DE : 8.90 8.40 94 8.88 8.69 79.00 73.00 92
FL : 16.00 16.00 100 7.00 7.00 112.00 112.00 100
GA : 115.0 102.0 89 8.61 8.78 990.0 896.0 91
HI : 5.10 5.10 100 7.65 7.06 39.00 36.00 92
ID : 5.00 5.00 100 8.20 8.20 41.00 41.00 100
IL : 820 825 101 8.64 8.71 7,084 7,189 101
IN : 685 610 89 8.68 8.80 5,943 5,370 90
IA : 1,980 1,890 95 8.82 8.86 17,471 16,751 96
KS : 328 315 96 8.83 8.75 2,897 2,756 95
KY : 116.0 91.0 78 8.68 8.52 1,007.0 775.0 77
LA : 5.80 5.80 100 7.24 7.24 42.00 42.00 100
ME : 2.10 1.90 90 6.50 7.00 13.65 13.30 97
MD : 10.00 8.00 80 8.20 8.13 82.00 65.00 79
MA : 3.40 3.30 97 7.65 7.58 26.00 25.00 96
MI : 192 192 100 8.97 8.98 1,723 1,724 100
MN : 1,030 1,040 101 8.97 8.95 9,244 9,310 101
MS : 57.5 51.5 90 9.08 9.40 522.0 484.0 93
MO : 755 710 94 8.72 8.85 6,587 6,284 95
MT : 36.0 33.5 93 9.03 9.07 325.0 304.0 94
NE : 640 630 98 8.64 8.84 5,528 5,568 101
NV : 1.20 1.20 100 8.20 8.20 9.84 9.84 100
NH : 0.90 1.00 111 7.20 7.00 6.48 7.00 108
NJ : 2.00 1.30 65 6.58 7.04 13.15 9.15 70
NM : 1.10 0.80 73 7.45 7.25 8.20 5.80 71
NY : 8.00 15.00 188 8.13 8.60 65.00 129.00 198
NC : 2,120 2,145 101 8.88 8.85 18,818 18,985 101
ND : 59.0 60.0 102 8.76 8.55 517.0 513.0 99
OH : 330 299 91 8.68 8.83 2,863 2,640 92
OK : 630 665 106 9.07 9.01 5,716 5,993 105
OR : 7.20 6.40 89 8.19 8.44 59.00 54.00 92
PA : 184 194 105 8.78 8.73 1,615 1,694 105
RI : 0.70 0.85 121 5.20 6.80 3.64 5.78 159
SC : 55.0 53.0 96 8.78 8.81 483.0 467.0 97
SD : 222 247 111 8.92 8.93 1,981 2,205 111
TN : 54.0 67.0 124 8.07 8.28 436.0 555.0 127
TX : 151 154 102 9.30 9.45 1,404 1,455 104
UT : 97.0 110.0 113 8.62 8.90 836.0 979.0 117
VT : 0.70 0.90 129 8.30 8.00 5.81 7.20 124
VA : 68.0 65.0 96 9.06 9.31 616.0 605.0 98
WA : 7.00 6.50 93 8.71 8.77 61.00 57.00 93
WV : 2.00 1.80 90 8.00 7.28 16.00 13.10 82
WI : 138 124 90 8.53 8.76 1,177 1,086 92
WY : 29.0 32.0 110 8.59 8.75 249.0 280.0 112
US : 11,641 11,462 98 8.79 8.84 102,354 101,355 99
1/ December preceding year.
2/ May not add due to rounding.

 Farrowings: Number of Sows, Pigs Per Litter, and Pig Crop
 by State and United States, December-February 1999-2001 1/ 2/
 : Sows Farrowing : : Pig Crop 3/
 :-------------------------------: Pigs :-----------------------
 : : : 2001 4/ : Per Litter : : 2000
 State : : :-------------------------------: :---------------
 : 1999 : 2000 : :as % of: : : 1999 : :as % of
 : : :Number : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 : :Number : 1999
 : ----- 1,000 Head ---- Percent -- Number -- 1,000 Head Percent
AR : 56 56 55 98 8.40 8.55 470 479 102
CO : 73 86 82 95 8.30 8.50 606 731 121
IL : 210 205 220 107 8.70 8.70 1,827 1,784 98
IN : 185 145 170 117 8.60 8.70 1,591 1,262 79
IA : 480 455 450 99 8.70 8.85 4,176 4,027 96
KS : 83 74 78 105 8.70 8.70 722 644 89
MI : 37 44 49 111 9.00 8.80 333 387 116
MN : 255 245 275 112 8.95 8.80 2,282 2,156 94
MO : 190 175 175 100 8.60 8.85 1,634 1,549 95
NE : 165 160 155 97 8.55 8.75 1,411 1,400 99
NC : 530 530 540 102 8.85 8.75 4,691 4,638 99
OH : 86 75 79 105 8.50 8.70 731 653 89
OK : 150 165 175 106 9.20 8.85 1,380 1,460 106
PA : 47 46 52 113 8.70 8.70 409 400 98
SD : 50 58 65 112 8.90 8.90 445 516 116
TX : 37 36 42 117 9.40 9.50 348 342 98
WI : 37 31 35 113 8.35 8.75 309 271 88
Oth :
 Sts 5/ : 220 212 209 99 8.54 8.60 1,882 1,823 97
US : 2,891 2,798 2,906 104 8.73 8.76 25,247 24,522 97
1/ December preceding year.
2/ May not add due to rounding.
3/ Number of pigs born December-February that were still on hand March 1,
 or had been sold.
4/ Intentions.
5/ Individual State estimates not available for the 33 other States.

 Farrowings: Number of Sows, Pigs per Litter, and Pig Crop
 by State and United States, March-May 1999-2001 1/
 : Sows Farrowing : : Pig Crop 2/
 :-------------------------------: Pigs :-----------------------
 : : : 2001 3/ : per Litter : : 2000
 State : : :-------------------------------: :---------------
 : 1999 : 2000 : :as % of: : : 1999 : :as % of
 : : :Number : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 : :Number : 1999
 : ----- 1,000 Head ---- Percent -- Number -- ----- 1,000 Head ----
AR : 55 55 55 100 8.50 8.50 468 468 100
CO : 79 88 80 91 8.50 8.40 672 739 110
IL : 210 210 220 105 8.65 8.75 1,817 1,838 101
IN : 175 145 165 114 8.70 8.85 1,523 1,283 84
IA : 520 495 460 93 8.70 8.90 4,524 4,406 97
KS : 85 76 78 103 9.10 8.90 774 676 87
MI : 55 50 50 100 8.90 9.00 490 450 92
MN : 265 260 275 106 8.95 9.00 2,372 2,340 99
MO : 195 180 180 100 8.80 8.80 1,716 1,584 92
NE : 165 155 155 100 8.60 8.85 1,419 1,372 97
NC : 530 540 540 100 8.90 8.90 4,717 4,806 102
OH : 85 75 77 103 8.80 8.90 748 668 89
OK : 160 165 175 106 9.10 8.90 1,456 1,469 101
PA : 47 48 52 108 8.80 8.80 414 422 102
SD : 60 62 67 108 8.90 8.90 534 552 103
TX : 37 37 41 111 9.50 9.50 352 352 100
WI : 36 30 35 117 8.50 8.85 306 266 87
Oth :
 Sts 4/ : 227 219 213 97 8.69 8.77 1,970 1,919 97
US : 2,986 2,890 2,918 101 8.80 8.86 26,272 25,610 97
1/ May not add due to rounding.
2/ Number of pigs born March-May that were still on hand June 1, or had
 been sold.
3/ Intentions.
4/ Individual State estimates not available for the 33 other States.

 Farrowings: Number of Sows, Pigs per Litter, and Pig Crop
 by State and United States, June-August 1999-2000 1/
 : Sows Farrowing : : Pig Crop 2/
 :--------------------------: Pigs :--------------------------
 : : 2000 : per Litter : : 2000
 State : :-----------------------------------: :-----------------
 : 1999 : :as % of : : : 1999 : :as % of
 : : Number : 1999 : 1999 : 2000 : : Number : 1999
 : 1,000 Head Percent --- Number -- 1,000 Head Percent
AR : 57 55 96 8.50 9.25 485 509 105
CO : 93 90 97 8.60 8.40 800 756 95
IL : 200 200 100 8.60 8.70 1,720 1,740 101
IN : 170 155 91 8.75 8.75 1,488 1,356 91
IA : 490 480 98 9.00 8.80 4,410 4,224 96
KS : 82 84 102 8.80 8.80 722 739 102
MI : 51 50 98 9.00 9.00 459 450 98
MN : 265 260 98 9.00 9.10 2,385 2,366 99
MO : 180 180 100 8.80 8.90 1,584 1,602 101
NE : 150 160 107 8.65 9.00 1,298 1,440 111
NC : 540 540 100 9.00 8.85 4,860 4,779 98
OH : 85 75 88 8.70 8.85 740 664 90
OK : 165 170 103 9.00 8.90 1,485 1,513 102
PA : 44 49 111 8.90 8.70 392 426 109
SD : 55 62 113 9.00 9.00 495 558 113
TX : 39 43 110 8.90 9.40 347 404 116
WI : 34 30 88 8.60 8.90 292 267 91
Oth :
 Sts 3/ : 220 216 98 8.65 8.76 1,900 1,893 100
US : 2,920 2,899 99 8.86 8.86 25,862 25,686 99
1/ May not add due to rounding.
2/ Number of pigs born June-August that were still on hand September 1, or
 had been sold.
3/ Individual State estimates not available for the 33 other States.

 Farrowings: Number of Sows, Pigs per Litter, and Pig Crop
 by State and United States, September-November 1999-2000 1/
 : Sows Farrowing : : Pig Crop 2/
 :--------------------------: Pigs :--------------------------
 : : 2000 : per Litter : : 2000
 State : :-----------------------------------: :-----------------
 : 1999 : :as % of : : : 1999 : :as % of
 : : Number : 1999 : 1999 : 2000 : : Number : 1999
 : 1,000 Head Percent --- Number -- 1,000 Head Percent
AR : 55 56 102 8.50 9.25 468 518 111
CO : 87 86 99 8.30 8.50 722 731 101
IL : 200 210 105 8.60 8.70 1,720 1,827 106
IN : 155 165 106 8.65 8.90 1,341 1,469 110
IA : 490 460 94 8.90 8.90 4,361 4,094 94
KS : 78 81 104 8.70 8.60 679 697 103
MI : 49 48 98 9.00 9.10 441 437 99
MN : 245 275 112 9.00 8.90 2,205 2,448 111
MO : 190 175 92 8.70 8.85 1,653 1,549 94
NE : 160 155 97 8.75 8.75 1,400 1,356 97
NC : 520 535 103 8.75 8.90 4,550 4,762 105
OH : 74 74 100 8.70 8.85 644 655 102
OK : 155 165 106 9.00 9.40 1,395 1,551 111
PA : 46 51 111 8.70 8.75 400 446 112
SD : 57 65 114 8.90 8.90 507 579 114
TX : 38 38 100 9.40 9.40 357 357 100
WI : 31 33 106 8.70 8.55 270 282 104
Oth :
 Sts 3/ : 214 203 95 8.68 8.77 1,860 1,778 96
US : 2,844 2,875 101 8.78 8.88 24,973 25,536 102
1/ May not add due to rounding.
2/ Number of pigs born September-November that were still on hand December
 1 or had been sold.
3/ Individual State estimates not available for the 33 other States.

 Monthly Farrowings: Number of Sows, Pigs per Litter, and Pig Crop,
 United States December-November 1999-2000 1/ 2/
 : Sows Farrowing : Pigs per Litter : Pig Crop
 Month :-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000
 : --- 1,000 Head --- ---- Number ---- ---- 1,000 Head ---
Dec 1/ : 960 922 8.81 8.77 8,460 8,091
Jan : 954 911 8.63 8.76 8,238 7,977
Feb : 977 965 8.75 8.76 8,550 8,454
Mar : 991 974 8.78 8.87 8,701 8,647
Apr : 1,005 959 8.80 8.84 8,848 8,484
May : 990 956 8.81 8.87 8,723 8,479
Jun : 980 975 8.88 8.85 8,701 8,626
Jul : 973 944 8.85 8.87 8,612 8,370
Aug : 967 980 8.84 8.87 8,549 8,690
Sep : 970 996 8.83 8.87 8,565 8,835
Oct : 950 947 8.74 8.90 8,302 8,428
Nov : 924 932 8.77 8.88 8,106 8,274
Total : 11,641 11,462 8.79 8.84 102,355 101,355
1/ December preceding year.
2/ Monthly values may not add to quarterly or annual totals due to

Monthly Sows and Gilts: Inventory and Number Bred, United States December-November 2000-2001 1/ 2/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Inventory 1st of Month : Bred during Month :-----------------------------------:----------------------------------- : : 2001 : : 2001 Month : :-----------------------: :----------------------- : 2000 : : as % of : 2000 : : as % of : : Number : 2000 : : Number : 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : --- 1,000 Head -- Percent 1,000 Head Percent : Dec 2/ : 6,095 Jan : Feb : Mar : Apr : May : Jun : Jul : Aug : Sep : 1,234 Oct : 6,072 1,183 Nov : 6,055 1,168 : Total : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Data series beginning October 2000. 2/ December preceding year. Hogs and Pigs: Number of Operations with Hogs, by State and United States, 1999-2000 1/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Operation With Hogs State :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1999 : 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Number : AL : 500 400 AK : 60 50 AZ : 230 230 AR : 1,100 1,100 CA : 1,100 900 CO : 500 500 CT : 250 200 DE : 120 130 FL : 1,700 1,400 GA : 1,400 1,200 HI : 230 230 ID : 600 400 IL : 6,500 5,100 IN : 6,200 4,400 IA : 14,500 12,300 KS : 1,900 1,600 KY : 1,400 1,000 LA : 600 600 ME : 400 400 MD : 550 520 MA : 450 450 MI : 2,100 2,200 MN : 7,500 7,300 MS : 1,800 1,500 MO : 4,000 3,600 MT : 600 650 NE : 5,000 4,000 NV : 100 100 NH : 250 250 NJ : 450 400 NM : 400 400 NY : 1,000 1,000 NC : 4,000 3,600 ND : 760 700 OH : 6,000 5,200 OK : 2,800 2,700 OR : 1,000 1,000 PA : 3,400 3,000 RI : 60 50 SC : 700 700 SD : 2,700 1,900 TN : 1,700 1,500 TX : 4,600 4,300 UT : 500 500 VT : 250 250 VA : 1,200 1,200 WA : 850 750 WV : 1,100 1,000 WI : 3,300 2,700 WY : 200 200 : US : 98,610 85,760 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ An operation is any place having one or more head of hogs and pigs on hand at any time during the year. Totals may not add due to rounding. Hogs and Pigs: Number of Operations by Size Group, Selected States, Region, and United States, 1999-2000 1/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Operations Having :----------------------------------------------------------------------- State : 1-99 Head : 100-499 Head : 500-999 Head :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Number : AR : 680 660 100 100 85 95 CO : 390 410 40 35 20 15 IL : 2,100 1,800 1,950 1,400 1,200 700 IN : 2,400 1,700 2,000 1,200 770 600 IA : 2,400 1,900 4,900 4,000 2,800 2,500 KS : 900 880 610 330 200 190 MI : 1,200 1,400 500 390 100 110 MN : 2,200 2,000 2,600 2,500 1,200 1,200 MO : 1,900 1,800 1,200 1,200 450 250 NE : 1,450 1,400 2,200 1,400 620 580 NC : 2,200 1,900 160 100 120 100 OH : 3,500 3,000 1,600 1,400 520 450 OK : 2,500 2,400 130 120 40 40 PA : 2,450 2,100 400 390 230 200 SD : 900 800 1,200 600 300 220 TX : 4,500 4,190 60 70 15 15 WI : 2,200 1,900 800 510 150 120 : Oth : Sts 2/ : 19,010 17,320 2,360 1,950 435 360 : US : 52,880 47,560 22,810 17,695 9,255 7,745 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnotes at end of table. --continued Hogs and Pigs: Number of Operations by Size Group, Selected States, Region, and United States, 1999-2000 1/ (continued) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Operations Having :----------------------------------------------------------------------- State : 1,000-1,999 Head : 2,000-4,999 Head : 5,000+ Head :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Number : AR : 95 100 95 100 45 45 CO : 25 15 5 5 20 20 IL : 660 660 460 430 130 110 IN : 560 450 380 365 90 85 IA : 2,400 2,200 1,600 1,300 400 400 KS : 70 85 80 75 40 40 MI : 130 140 130 120 40 40 MN : 750 750 530 610 220 240 MO : 180 130 200 140 70 80 NE : 450 300 200 230 80 90 NC : 200 180 690 680 630 640 OH : 220 200 130 120 30 30 OK : 50 50 50 50 30 40 PA : 140 125 135 140 45 45 SD : 160 130 80 90 60 60 TX : 5 5 5 5 15 15 WI : 110 110 35 50 5 10 : Oth : Sts 2/ : 295 240 305 285 105 105 : US : 6,500 5,870 5,110 4,795 2,055 2,095 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ An operation is any place having one or more head of hogs and pigs on hand at any time during the year. 2/ Individual State estimates not available for the 33 other States. Hogs and Pigs: Percent of Inventory by Size Group, Selected States, Region, and United States, 1999-2000 1/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Inventory on Operations Having :----------------------------------------------------------------------- State : 1-99 Head : 100-499 Head : 500-999 Head :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Percent : AR : 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 7.0 7.0 CO : 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.5 1.0 IL : 1.0 1.0 9.0 7.0 14.0 11.0 IN : 1.5 1.0 12.0 8.0 13.0 12.0 IA : 0.3 0.2 7.5 6.8 11.2 10.0 KS : 1.0 1.0 8.0 4.0 6.5 6.5 MI : 1.0 1.5 8.0 6.5 6.0 7.0 MN : 1.0 1.0 9.0 8.0 12.0 11.0 MO : 1.5 1.0 9.0 8.0 6.5 4.5 NE : 1.5 1.5 16.5 12.0 13.0 12.5 NC : 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 1.0 0.7 OH : 5.0 5.0 23.0 20.0 21.0 21.0 OK : 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 PA : 3.5 3.0 8.5 9.0 14.0 12.0 SD : 2.0 2.0 19.0 10.0 13.0 11.0 TX : 7.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 1.5 1.0 WI : 8.0 7.0 28.0 20.0 17.0 14.0 : Oth : Sts 2/ : 2.5 2.5 7.0 6.5 3.5 3.0 : US : 1.5 1.0 8.0 6.0 9.0 8.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnotes at end of table. --continued Hogs and Pigs: Percent of Inventory by Size Group, Selected States, Region, and United States, 1999-2000 1/ (continued) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Inventory on Operations Having :----------------------------------------------------------------------- State : 1,000-1,999 Head : 2,000-4,999 Head : 5,000+ Head :----------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Percent : AR : 14.0 13.0 31.0 32.0 44.0 44.0 CO : 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 93.0 94.0 IL : 17.0 21.0 29.0 32.0 30.0 28.0 IN : 19.0 18.0 25.5 31.0 29.0 30.0 IA : 18.0 20.0 28.0 23.0 35.0 40.0 KS : 5.5 7.5 13.0 15.0 66.0 66.0 MI : 15.0 16.0 37.0 36.0 33.0 33.0 MN : 17.0 16.0 22.0 23.0 39.0 41.0 MO : 7.0 4.5 14.0 11.0 62.0 71.0 NE : 17.0 13.0 18.0 25.0 34.0 36.0 NC : 3.2 2.8 22.0 20.0 73.0 76.0 OH : 18.0 20.0 22.0 21.0 11.0 13.0 OK : 3.0 2.5 6.5 6.5 86.0 87.0 PA : 16.0 17.0 30.0 34.0 28.0 25.0 SD : 12.0 12.0 16.0 21.0 38.0 44.0 TX : 1.5 1.0 2.0 2.0 84.0 88.0 WI : 24.0 25.0 16.0 22.0 7.0 12.0 : Oth : Sts 2/ : 6.0 5.0 16.0 15.0 65.0 68.0 : US : 13.0 13.0 22.0 21.5 46.5 50.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ An operation is any place having one or more head of hogs and pigs on hand at any time during the year. Percent reflect average distributions based primarily on mid-year surveys. 2/ Individual State estimates not available for the 33 other States. Hogs and Pigs: Number of Operations and Percent of Inventory by Size Group, Based on Ownership, United States, 1999-2000 1/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Operations : Percent of Inventory :------------------------------------------------------------ Head : : : : : 1999 : 2000 : 1999 : 2000 : : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ------- Number ------ ------ Percent ----- : 1-99 : 52,900 51,200 1.5 1.5 100-499 : 21,500 13,700 7.5 5.5 500-999 : 8,000 5,900 8.0 6.5 1,000-1,999 : 4,400 3,050 10.5 8.0 2,000-4,999 : 2,400 2,300 12.0 12.0 5,000-9,999 : 700 615 8.0 7.5 10,000-19,999 : 270 260 7.0 7.0 20,000-49,999 : 115 125 6.0 7.0 50,000+ : 105 110 39.5 45.0 : Total : 90,390 77,260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Own one or more head of hogs and pigs at any time during the year.

Reliability of December 1 Hogs and Pigs Estimates

Survey Procedures: A random sample of 16,500 U.S. producers was surveyed to provide data for these estimates. Survey procedures ensured that all hog and pig producers, regardless of size, had a chance to be included in the survey. Large producers were sampled more heavily than small operations. Data were collected from about 13,900 operations, 84 percent of the total sample, during the first-half of December by mail, telephone, and face-to-face personal interviews. Regardless of when operations responded, they were asked to report inventories as of December 1.

Estimation Procedures: These hogs and pigs estimates were prepared by the Agricultural Statistics Board after reviewing recommendations and analysis submitted by each State office. National and State survey data were reviewed for reasonableness with each other and with estimates from past years using a balance sheet. The balance sheet begins with the previous inventory estimate, adds to it estimates of births and imports, and subtracts estimates of slaughter, exports, and deaths. This indicated ending inventory level is compared to the Agricultural Statistics Board estimate for reasonableness.

Revision Policy: Revisions to previous estimates are made to improve quarter to quarter relationships. Estimates for the previous four quarters are subject to revision when current estimates are made. In December, estimates for all quarters of the current and previous year are reviewed. The reviews are primarily based on hog check-off receipts and slaughter. Estimates will also be reviewed after data from the Department of Agriculture five-year Census of Agriculture are available. No revisions will be made after that date.

Reliability: Since all operations raising hogs are not included in the sample, survey estimates are subject to sampling variability. Survey results are also subject to non-sampling errors such as omissions, duplication, and mistakes in reporting, recording, and processing the data. The affects of these errors cannot be measured directly. They are minimized through rigid quality controls in the data collection process and through a careful review of all reported data for consistency and reasonableness.

To assist users in evaluating the reliability of the estimates in this report, the "Root Mean Square Error" is shown for selected items in the following table. The "Root Mean Square Error" is a statistical measure based on past performance and is computed using the difference between first and final estimates. The "Root Mean Square Error" for hog inventory estimates over the past 20 quarters is 1.8 percent. This means that chances are 2 out of 3 that the final estimate will not be above or below the current estimate of 59.8 million head by more than 1.8 percent. Chances are 9 out of 10 that the difference will not exceed 3.1 percent.

 Reliability of December 1 Hog Estimates 1/
 : : : Difference Between : Quarters
 : Root : 90% : First and Latest :---------------
 : Mean : Confidence : Estimates : First : First
 Item :Square : Level :-------------------------: Above : Below
 : Error : :Average:Smallest:Largest :Latest :Latest
 : Percent ---------- 1,000 Head --------- Number
All Hogs & : 1.8 3.1 1,855 701 40 2,820 11 9
 Pigs :
Pig Crop : 1.7 3.0 766 302 3 1,009 11 9
Expected :
 Farrowings :
Next : 2.4 4.1 119 48 1 161 11 9
 Quarter :
Following : 4.7 8.1 236 96 10 380 10 10
1/ Based on quarterly records for the past 20 quarters.

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