Artificial Insemination Veterinaries - 16th Meeting in Berlin

EU - In October 2004, the 16th meeting of A.I. Vets will be held in Berlin, Germany. The German Cattle Breeders' Federation (ADR) and the Umbrella Association of German Pig Production (ZDS) have been assigned to organise this year’s congress.
calendar icon 24 August 2004
clock icon 3 minute read

Artificial Insemination Veterinaries would like to ask you to mark this date in your book diary. The meeting will take place from 13th until 15th October 2004. The program will start on 13th October, 14:00 hrs, with meetings of the QualiVet-Groups for cattle and pigs. The main program starts on 14th October, 08:30 hrs., with a common meeting of cattle and pig A.I. veterinaries.

In the afternoon, separate sessions for cattle and pig specialists are planned. A gala dinner in the evening will be the social highlight (“get together evening“). The program continues on 15th October, 08:00 hrs and will end with a lunch on 12:00 hrs.

The congress venue:
‘Tagungszentrum Katholische Akademie“
(Congress Centre Catholic Academy)
Hannoversche Strasse 5b
10115 Berlin

1: Congress Registration

Please return the enclosed registration form as soon as possible to benefit from the Early Bird Fee and for your proposals to the agenda. You will find the agenda of A.I. Vets 2001 and 2003 on

Registration fees (16 % VAT including):

  • Early bird fee € 270,--
    (payment received before 15th June)

  • Congress fee € 330,--
    (payment received after 15th June)

2: Hotel Registration

Hotels near by the congress centre can be booked by the participants themselves. The congress location can be reached within walking distance. Special prices are only guaranteed for reservations using the prepared reservation forms from More information with regard to hotels, deadlines and payment you will find on

3: Congress Office

Dr. Hubert Cramer
German Cattle Breeders’ Federation
Adenauerallee 174
D-53113 Bonn
phone: 0049 228 91447 23
fax: 0049 228 91447 11
Mail: [email protected]

Source: Artificial Insemination Veterinaries - 24th August 2004

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