Classical swine fever in Croatia

EU - A report by OIE on the outbreak of Classical Swine Fever in Croatia.
calendar icon 22 July 2006
clock icon 3 minute read

(Date of previous outbreak of classical swine fever in Croatia reported to the OIE: June 2002).

Immediate notification report

Information received on 20 July 2006 from Dr Mate Brstilo, Director of the Veterinary Administration, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Zagreb:

Report date: 20 July 2006.

Reason for immediate notification: re-occurrence of a listed disease or infection in a country or zone/compartment following a report declaring the outbreak(s) ended.

Identification of agent: classical swine fever virus.

Date of first confirmation of the event: 19 July 2006.

Date of start of the event: unknown.

Clinical disease: yes.

Nature of diagnosis: clinical, post-mortem and laboratory.

Details of outbreaks:

Lower administrative division Type of epide-miolo-gical unit Date of start of the outbreak Spe-cies Number of animals in the outbreaks susceptible cases deaths destroyed slaugh-tered Vukovarsko srijemska Borovo farm … sui 13 4 4 9 0 Vukovar farm … sui 5 2 2 3 0

Description of affected population: domestic pigs in two small family-run farms. Pigs in one of the farms were kept on pasture.


Species examined Diagnostic tests used Date Results Croatian Veterinary Institute, Zagreb sui ELISA(1) 19 July 2006 positive

Source of outbreaks or origin of infection: contact with wild animals suspected.

Control measures undertaken:

- stamping out;

- quarantine;

- movement control inside the country;

- screening;

- zoning;

- disinfection of infected premises/establishment(s).

Treatment of affected animals: no.

Vaccination prohibited: yes.

Final report: no.

(1)ELISA: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

Further Information

Information on Classical Swine Fever

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