Banff Pork Seminar Audio Special
CANADA - This article is a colleciton of all the audio specials farmscape have recorded suring the Banff Pork Seminar 2007.
Lyle Loewen with Pureatone Corporation discusses Staffing in a Competitive Environment. Feature Runs 7:38.
Opportunity Feed Ingredients Offer Ability to Reduce Feed Costs (mp3 audio file)
Dr. Ruurd Zijlstra with the University of Alberta discusses Opportunity Feed Ingredients Offer Ability to Reduce Feed Costs. Feature Runs 7:22.
Alternative Feed Ingredients to be Used in Place of Higher Cost Corn and Wheat (mp3 audio file)
Dr. Eduardo Beltranena with Alberta Agriculture and Food discusses Alternative Feed Ingredients to be Used in Place of Higher Cost Corn and Wheat. Feature Runs 8:44.
Water-Animal Welfare Initiatives endorsed by McDonald's (mp3 audio file)
Dr. Robert Cannell with McDonald's Corporation discusses Animal Welfare Initiatives endorsed by McDonald's. Feature Runs 6:58.
Water-The Next Limiting Resource (mp3 audio file)
Dennis McKerracher with JV Farms discusses Water-The Next Limiting Resource. Feature Runs 11:40.
Validus On-Farm Assessments and Audits (mp3 audio file)
Earl Dotson with Validus discusses Validus On-Farm Assessments and Audits. Feature Runs 8:40.
United Egg Producers Certified (mp3 audio file)
Mark Oldenkamp with United Egg Producers discusses UEP Certified. Feature Runs 10:45.
Feedstuffs to Enhance Competitiveness (mp3 audio file)
Coen Smits with Nutreco Agriculture R&D discusses Feedstuffs to Enhance Competitiveness. Feature Runs 9:18.
Use of Net Energy to Reduce Feed Costs (mp3 audio file)
Robert Payne with Degussa Feed Additives discusses Use of Net Energy to Reduce Feed Costs. Feature Runs 7:38.
Genetic Causes of Variation in Pigs (mp3 audio file)
Brian Sullivan with the Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement discusses Genetic Causes of Variation in Pigs. Feature Runs 11:56.
ThePigSite News Desk
Farmscapes Banff Pork Seminar Audio Special
Staffing in a Competitive Environment (mp3 audio file)Lyle Loewen with Pureatone Corporation discusses Staffing in a Competitive Environment. Feature Runs 7:38.
Opportunity Feed Ingredients Offer Ability to Reduce Feed Costs (mp3 audio file)
Dr. Ruurd Zijlstra with the University of Alberta discusses Opportunity Feed Ingredients Offer Ability to Reduce Feed Costs. Feature Runs 7:22.
Alternative Feed Ingredients to be Used in Place of Higher Cost Corn and Wheat (mp3 audio file)
Dr. Eduardo Beltranena with Alberta Agriculture and Food discusses Alternative Feed Ingredients to be Used in Place of Higher Cost Corn and Wheat. Feature Runs 8:44.
Water-Animal Welfare Initiatives endorsed by McDonald's (mp3 audio file)
Dr. Robert Cannell with McDonald's Corporation discusses Animal Welfare Initiatives endorsed by McDonald's. Feature Runs 6:58.
Water-The Next Limiting Resource (mp3 audio file)
Dennis McKerracher with JV Farms discusses Water-The Next Limiting Resource. Feature Runs 11:40.
Validus On-Farm Assessments and Audits (mp3 audio file)
Earl Dotson with Validus discusses Validus On-Farm Assessments and Audits. Feature Runs 8:40.
United Egg Producers Certified (mp3 audio file)
Mark Oldenkamp with United Egg Producers discusses UEP Certified. Feature Runs 10:45.
Feedstuffs to Enhance Competitiveness (mp3 audio file)
Coen Smits with Nutreco Agriculture R&D discusses Feedstuffs to Enhance Competitiveness. Feature Runs 9:18.
Use of Net Energy to Reduce Feed Costs (mp3 audio file)
Robert Payne with Degussa Feed Additives discusses Use of Net Energy to Reduce Feed Costs. Feature Runs 7:38.
Genetic Causes of Variation in Pigs (mp3 audio file)
Brian Sullivan with the Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement discusses Genetic Causes of Variation in Pigs. Feature Runs 11:56.
ThePigSite News Desk