Update: Foot and mouth disease, Israel

ISRAEL - Latest update from the OIE regards the FMD outbreak in Israel.
calendar icon 9 January 2007
clock icon 3 minute read

Information received on 04/01/2007 from Dr Moshe Chaimovitz, Director, Veterinary Services and Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Developement, BEIT DAGAN, Israel


Report type Follow-up report No. 1
Start date 28/12/2006
Date of confirmation of event 01/01/2007
Report date 04/01/2007
Date submitted to OIE 05/01/2007
Reason for notification Reoccurrence of listed disease
Date of previous occurrence 12/2005
Manifestation of disease Clinical disease
Causal agent FMD virus
Serotype O
Nature of diagnosis Suspicion, Clinical, Laboratory (basic), Laboratory (advanced), Necropsy
Report pertains to Entire country
Related reports

New Outbreaks

Date of start of outbreak 01/01/2007
Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not submitted)
Epidemiological unit Farm
Affected animals
Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered
Cattle 210 15 5 0 0
Affected population The herd contains calves aged 1-8 months. The affected calves are 1-3 months old and have not yet been vaccinated. The older calves are not affected due to previous vaccination. The sick calves show classical signs of the disease such as limping, ulcers in the mucosa of the mouth and the tongue and high fever.
Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 1
Outbreak statistics
Species Apparent morbidity rate Apparent mortality rate Apparent case fatality rate Proportion susceptible removed*
Cattle 7.14% 2.38% 33.33% 2.38%
* Removed from the susceptible population either through death, destruction or slaughter


Source of infection
  • Unknown or inconclusive

Control measures

Measures already applied
  • Movement control inside the country
  • Vaccination in response to the outbreak (s)
  • Quarantine
  • Vaccination permitted
  • No treatment of affected animals
Measures to be applied
  • Screening

Diagnostic test results

Laboratory name and type National FMD Laboratory, Kimron Veterinay Institute (National laboratory)
Tests and results
Species Test Test date Result
Goats antigen (Ag) detection ELISA 01/01/2007 Positive

Map of outbreak locations

Location of current outbreaks

Click on map to zoom in.

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