Hog Farm Helps Political Campaign

US - Paul Thibault, Republican candidate for the 13th state Senate district, was talking about cutting pork from the state's diet.
calendar icon 18 February 2008
clock icon 2 minute read
During a speech pitched over the weekend from a pig farm in Lancaster County, he outlined ways to cut taxes and spending in Harrisburg.

Thibault's campaign chose the hog farm owned by the Jeff Frey family as backdrop for a speech.

According to Lancaster On Line, some of his 17 supporters wielding stuffed pigs as props, and the real McCoys staying far warmer in their barns, Thibault talked about his tax-and-spending plan should he be elected.

The platform includes eliminating the property tax, reducing the state income tax, axing new tax credits for movie producers, limiting spending to inflation plus population growth, barring the hiring of lobbyists by government agencies, focusing spending on "core functions" of government, ending taxpayer-funded public service announcements for individual legislators and reforming the grant program commonly called walking-around money, or WAMs.

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