Pig Industry Facing Losses Amounting to 36 a Second
UK - The afflicted UK pig industry is currently running at 36 loss a second.According to the Yorkshire Post, the soaring costs of fuel and feed are taking their toll and farmers are calling on shops and shoppers to bite the bullet and pay them another 7p a pound, on average so they can survive the crisis.
Pig farmers are sending healthy breeding sows to slaughter in a desperate attempt to cut their losses.
A Defra survey running this month is expected to find the national herd at least 10 per cent down on a year ago and the same thing is happening in other countries.
It all means fewer young pigs are being reared for slaughter, worldwide, so supplies are going down and prices up. Even so, prices have not caught up with the rising costs.
The 36-a-second figure comes from the British Pig Executive (BPEX), a Government-industry body chaired by veteran Yorkshire farmer Stewart Houston.
It amounts to 33.5m a week, or roughly 318 a pig.
BPEX says unusual numbers of breeding sows were sent for slaughter in the first quarter of this year – a sign that farmers are preparing to get out of the business if things do not improve.
View the Yorkshire Post story by clicking here.