Pig Industry Emergency Exercise to Be Conducted
AUSTRALIA - Stock & Land reports that Primary Industries and Resources, South Australia (PIRSA) and Australian Pork Limited (APL) are to conduct a pig industry emergency animal disease (EAD) exercise called “Exercise Charlotte’s Web“ on October 21-22.
* "PIRSA will work with industry to understand the way state and national industry representatives make decisions and establish appropriate consultation mechanisms to be used during an EAD response." |
PIRSA’s manager, Livestock Industry Biosecurity, Dr Neil Buchanan
PIRSA’s manager, Livestock Industry Biosecurity, Dr Neil Buchanan said the desk top exercise is designed to test national and state policy planning while at the same time further develop and strengthening industry/government relations.
“The South Australian component will be based at PIRSA’s Flaxley office while the national component will be held in Canberra, at APL’s head office.”
Dr Buchanan says for PIRSA the exercise will involve approximately 16 staff and focus on the planning function during an EAD response.
“In particular, tasks will be set to ensure the exercise focuses on industry/government relations in trying to address challenges such as movement controls, vaccination policies, slaughter policies and media strategies.
“Key South Australian industry representatives will be involved in the exercise.
"PIRSA will work with industry to understand the way state and national industry representatives make decisions and establish appropriate consultation mechanisms to be used during an EAD response.”
APL chief executive officer Andrew Spencer says the experience gained doing such an exercise will be invaluable.
“It’s all well and good to have emergency plans in place but, the real test kicks in when you actually put all this theory into practice out on the ground.
“By robustly testing our crisis management plan, PorkSAFE, we will be able to pinpoint and address any weaknesses that emerge as well as strengthen our preparedness and recovery efforts. This exercise will also enable the industry to identify future areas for policy development in response to major operational challenges."