Nedap Velos on Its Way to Success in China

CHINA - In September 2008, one month after China’s first Nedap Velos Electronic Sow Feeding (ESF) installation was finished; two more Chinese sow farms are equipped with NEDAP Velos ESF systems. TianQuan which is located in Sichuan province, Southwest China and TongWei in Hubei province, in the middle of China.
calendar icon 4 November 2008
clock icon 3 minute read

Both companies have decided to implement Electronic Sow Feeding in order to improve their overall farm performance (feed reduction and increase of life born piglet production).

The difference between these two farms and the first Nedap Velos project in Hunan province, is their farm management group housing model. The 1,200 sow project in Hunan keeps sows in static group housing production model, as the later installations take place in dynamic group housing farms.

Farm “TianQuan” puts 300 sows into a dynamic group during their gestation and is equipped with 6 feed stations, 1 separation unit and 1 heat detector. All sows are already trained and introduced into a dynamic group in this farm.

Farm “TongWei” is a subsidiary farm of Sha-Shi TongWei Feed Company.

It has the same layout as TianQuan does – 6 feed stations, 1 separation unit and 1 heat detector.

Now the farm is still in construction, and its first batch of 300 sows will be introduced to Velos ESF in coming months.

The first three installations could be counted as a good start of NEDAP Velos ESF in China.

Next to this Nedap and it’s Chinese partner Taifeng Livestock have together exhibited Nedap Velos at the VIV in Beijing (October 20 – 22). In two booths, our products were presented to approximately 19,000 VIV visitors. There was a lot of interest in Electronic Sow Feeding as over 2,500 people visited the Nedap Velos booth.

As Chinese people say, “a good start rides people half way to his/her success”. Nedap Velos is now on its way to success in China.

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