Gov't Responds to Saskatchewan Livestock Program

CANADA - The Canadian government has delivered more than C$1 billion to Saskatchewan pig producers over the last two years, according to Agriculture Minister, Gerry Ritz.
calendar icon 3 March 2009
clock icon 2 minute read

Mr Ritz said: "The Government of Saskatchewan raised this scheme at the federal-provincial meeting last month – every other province soundly rejected it. This kind of program cannot go forward without support from provincial governments."

He also added that other provinces rejected the scheme for good reason. Federal funding for this type of program would likely result in retaliation from trading partners, he said.

"The livestock industry has worked hard to open international markets and that hard work would be completely undone. Producers from Saskatchewan and across Canada could lose more money as markets slam shut than they would get from this kind of handout," Mr Ritz said.

"The Government of Canada is working hard for struggling livestock producers by making sure they have the cash flow they need to weather the current economic storms and by opening marketing opportunities around the world," he said.

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