TOPIGS Exports from the Netherlands to Japan
NETHERLANDS - TOPIGS exported 355 gilts from the Netherlands to Japan in March. This is the first time that TOPIGS breeding material has been sent to Japan. The TOPIGS 20 gilts of various ages came from Van Beek SPF Varkens in Lelystad.The gilts flew to Tokyo via Schiphol. After a state quarantine period the gilts will go to their final destination, a group of cooperating pig farmers. This group of independent pig farms produce about one-third of Japanese pigs.
In June a second consignment with purebred line animals and terminal boars will be sent
from the SPF nucleus breeding farm of TOPIGS in Canada.
The Japanese group of pig farmers includes the most progressive farms in the country. To
hold their own against the international competition, within their own country they have to
compete with a large number of exporters to Japan, they sought improved genetics. The
group therefore visited various large breeding organisations throughout the world and
eventually TOPIGS emerged as the best choice. TOPIGS was selected due to its
professional organisation, high production and the high meat and carcass quality of the
Henk Janssen, area manager at TOPIGS for Asia visited the pig farms and slaughterhouses
in the Netherlands with several Japanese delegates: “They were clearly impressed by the
high quality of pig farming in the Netherlands. Not only the breeding but also the pig farming
and the entire structure strongly appealed to them.“ They considered the Dutch pig farming
to be of a very high level.“ The health status of pig farms in the Netherlands also struck them.
This was, just like in Canada, also of a high level. A high health status makes it possible to
export from the Netherlands to Japan where the veterinary requirements are very strict.